This course, in its first part devoted to pathology of the various systems, shares the objectives of the course of general pathology and the locomotor system which precedes it. In a second part, the course brings an initiation to psychopathology such as it can be met in practice of the future bachelors. The stress is laid on the specific elements of these practices and their implication in these pathologies: the body and neuroses, psychoses, diseases psychosomatic. The problems of the relation patient-therapeutist here are particularly underlined.

Main themes
This course includes/understands two parts: part of this course considers the pathology of the great systems concerned with the internal medicine: cardiology, pneumology, gastro-enterology, nephrology, hematology, hormonology... of the child to the old man. The other part is devoted to general psychopathology and of the behavior and is divided as follows: - place of psychopathology in modern medicine; - the relation patient-therapeutist; - observation of the patient from the psychopathological point of view: significant study of the functions of the behavior; - large clinical pictures of psychopathology.
