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PhD fellowship in linguistic typology, University of Leuven

A new research project at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Leuven is looking for applicants for a fully funded four-year PhD fellowship in linguistic typology (starting date: October/November 2018).

The PhD fellowship is part of a larger collaborative project entitled  »Beyond the clause: Encoding and inference in clause combining », funded by the Research Council of the University of Leuven. The team heading the project is composed of Bert Cornillie, Kristin Davidse, Elwys De Stefani and Jean-Christophe Verstraete. The supervisor of this fellowship is Jean-Christophe Verstraete.

The aim of the PhD project is to investigate the relation between specialized marking of clause linkage (e.g. conjunctions) and inferences from other categories (e.g. modal or information-structural markers). The project will use data from a large, representative sample of Australian languages, which tend to lack specialized clause linkage markers and rely on inferences from other means. This will contribute to the larger collaborative project by producing a cross-linguistic baseline for patterns of inference in clause combining. More information about the project can be requested by e-mail.

Applications are invited from candidates with the following qualifications:
– An MA in linguistics (or equivalent, eg BA Hons), with academic distinction.
– Experience with linguistic typology and/or linguistic fieldwork.
– Strong analytical skills and the motivation to pursue creative work in linguistics.
– A good command of English.
– A cooperative attitude and the capacity to actively participate in project activities (e.g. data sessions) and in events of the research units involved in the project (including their seminar series).
– The ability to present research results at international conferences, and to publish in peer-reviewed journals.

Motivated candidates meeting these criteria are invited to apply online according to the instructions given at the Application Link below and please include:
– a cover letter,
– a CV,
– the names of up to three referees we may contact, and
– a sample piece of academic writing.

The deadline for applications is 1 July 2018.

Interviews will be held with shortlisted candidates on 9-10 July (in person or online for overseas applicants). A decision will be communicated by mid-July.

The fellow will receive a salary of approximately 2000 EUR/month (after taxes) for a period of four years and all regular provisions for PhD fellows at the University of Leuven. In addition, s/he will be allocated office space and a laptop, and receive funding for research activities like attending conferences abroad and organizing workshops and conferences in Leuven or elsewhere.

The successful candidate may be asked to provide (limited) assistance with teaching, student supervision and data management. S/he will join a dynamic research team (faculty members, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students).

For further information, please contact the project’s supervisor Jean-Christophe Verstraete at the contact below.

Starting date: October/November 2018
End date: September 2022

Applications Deadline: 01-Jul-2018

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Jean-Christophe Verstraete