On Friday, May 12, 2017, the Linguistics Research Unit of Université catholique de Louvain organizes the PLIN Day 2017 on « Construction Grammar: new advances in theoretical and applied linguistics” at the Université catholique de Louvain.
Program and abstracts of the keynote speakers are now available on the website, as well as an online registration form. The registration deadline is May 1st.
The aims of the conference are the following:
(a) To present the most recent developments of ongoing research within the framework of Construction Grammar by covering a wide spectrum of fields, topics and research problems
(b) To highlight the benefits of a Construction Grammar approach for both theoretical and applied linguistics
The conference will include 5 plenary talks and 2 poster sessions. We are happy to announce that the following keynote speakers have accepted our invitation:
- Dany Amiot (Université de Lille): “La Grammaire de Construction et l’interface morphologie-syntaxe : Préposition, préfixe, préfixoïde, des objets de même nature?”
- Holger Diessel (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) : “Construction Grammar and First Language Acquisition”
- Steffen Höder (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) : “A constructional approach to language in contact: Background and basic concepts of Diasystematic Construction Grammar”
- Muriel Norde (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) : “Diachronic Construction Grammar”
- Remi van Trijp (Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Paris) : “Computational Construction Grammar and its potential impact on linguistics and language technologies”