Bandeau smcs
UCLouvain > SMCS Platform

Introduction to R language

[5 half days] - [English]

Do you want to be introduced to the open-source language R, that makes all statistical analyses and graphic illustrations possible?

The R language is a computing environment and a very flexible and rich progamming language used for statistical data analysis. It's a free and open source software that is regularly enriched with new libraries of functions provided by users. In particular, everyone can create a package.

Training aims
At the end of this course the attendance will be able to analyse data and create its own functions, i.e import data, plot them and analyse them with statistics. This is not a statistical course.

This training requires a basic knowledge of statistics.

• RStudio: a GUI for R
• R objects: vectors, matrices, factors, lists and dataframes
• Importing and exporting data and plots
• Graphs
• Statistics (descriptive statistics, some tests and models)
• Functions and loops

This training course is recognized by the IABE, enabling participants to earn CPD points.
(Note that this is true for all SMCS courses.)

This training course is eligible for the training voucher scheme of the Walloon Region.
If you wish to use training vouchers as part of your registration, please visit the following page for further information and contact our administration office.


Methods and method families discussed
Data processing
Descriptive statistics
   Summary tables
Software use
   Software use

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