Bandeau smcs
UCLouvain > SMCS Platform

Introduction to sample size calculation

[4 half days] - [English]

Wondering how many patients or mice you have to include in your experiment? Do you need to justify a sample size to an ethics committee?

Sample size calculation consists in determining the number of observations necessary to be able to show an effect if it exists - in terms of probability (cf. Power).

Training aims
At the end of this training, the participant will be able to identify the information needed to calculate the sample size, understand the impact of a small change in the basic assumptions, choose the appropriate software to perform the calculation, find out how to access it and find help if necessary...

This training course requires some basic statistical knowledge.


This training course is recognized by the IABE, enabling participants to earn CPD points.
(Note that this is true for all SMCS courses.)
IABE logo

Tools used during training

Methods and method families discussed
   Sample size calculation

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