Bandeau smcs
UCLouvain > SMCS Platform

Data manipulation and visualisation with R

[4 half days] - [English]

Do you want to get started with reproducible data analysis with R, one of the most used software for the analysis of high throughput biology data?

R is a free and open-source software. It is one of the most widely used in the bio-medical research field, likely due to the availability of numerous R/Bioconductor packages specifically dedicated to high throughput data.

Training aims
The goal of this training is to initiate wet-lab scientists to reproducible data analysis with R and its RStudio integrated environment, focusing on data manipulation, data visualisation and basic data analysis.

This training doesn’t require any previous knowledge of R.


This training course is recognized by the IABE, enabling participants to earn CPD points.
(Note that this is true for all SMCS courses.)
IABE logo

Methods and method families discussed
Software use
   Software use

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