Bandeau smcs
UCLouvain > SMCS Platform

Introduction to SAS programming

[5 half days] - [English]

Do you want to be able to manipulate databases using SAS? Are you ready to enhance your resume with SAS programming skills?

SAS is a programming language allowing the management of data bases, their analytical treatment as well as the creation and diffusion  of reports and listings to summarize the content.

Training aims
At the end of this training, the participant is able to import different types of data files (text, spreadsheet, etc.), to create a data base, perform operations of data manipulation and management on data sets, export the data and report results from basic data analysis.

This training requires no particular prerequisite.


This training course is recognized by the IABE, enabling participants to earn CPD points.
(Note that this is true for all SMCS courses.)
IABE logo

Tools used during training

Methods and method families discussed
Data processing
   Data set cleaning and processing for statistical analysis
Software use
   Software use

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