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UCLouvain > SMCS Platform


Experimental design

Experimental design describes "how" the different experiments in a study will be carried out such as to meet the objective of the study with maximum accuracy and minimum "cost". By "how" we mean the definition of the purpose and the conditions of the experiment, of the factors of interest, of the experimental units, of the number of observations to be made and their order, of the experimental process, etc.
Training(s) related to this method :
Certificat universitaire en Analyse de données appliquée en R&D - Niveau avancé View training
Certificat universitaire en Analyse de données appliquée en R&D - Niveau de base View training
Formation en analyse de données et statistiques pour la recherche et le développement dans la bioindustrie View training
Introduction aux plans d'expérience avec JMP View training
Introduction to experimental design with JMP View training
Plans d'expérience : Mise en pratique View training