Micellization of oxazoline-based block copolymers

Block copolymer micelles have found widespread applications ranging from coatings, cosmetics, oil recovery and bio-related systems. For the application of polymers in, e.g., drug delivery, other characteristics such as the polymer’s biocompatibility and degradability have to be considered as well. This biocompatibility directed us to the class of poly(2oxazoline)s with its numerous congeners, among which the poly(2-ethyl-2oxazoline) has been FDA approved. The 2-oxazoline monomers undergo living cationic ring-opening polymerization under the appropriate conditions resulting in well-defined polymers with narrow molecular weight distributions. Nevertheless, the polymerizations normally require reaction times in the range of several hours up to several days. This disadvantage was recently overcome in Prof. Ulrich Schubert’s group by the use of closed reaction vials and microwave irradiation6 that accelerated the cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-oxazolines by a factor of 400 when compared to conventional reflux polymerizations. This observed acceleration was found to solely originate from thermal effects and not from so-called (non-thermal) microwave effects. However, slightly narrower molecular weight distributions were obtained under microwave heating due to the fast heating and the homogeneous heat profile in the reaction vessel. This improved microwave polymerization procedure was recently applied to the synthesis of libraries of diblock, triblock and tetrablock copoly(2-oxazoline)s based on 2-methyl- (MeOx), 2-ethyl- (EtOx), 2-“soy”oxazoline (SoyOx) and 2-phenyl-2-oxazoline (PhOx). The micellization behavior of block copoly(oxazolines) of AB, ABC, ABCA, ABCB and ABCD architecture is currently investigated in our group.
PEtOx-PSoyOx diblock copolymers have been used to prepare aqueous spherical micelles consisting of a PEtOx corona and a PSoyOx core, which has been further crosslinked by UV-irradiation. The morphology of these crosslinked micelles has been shown to reversibly change from spheres to short rods referred to as rice grain whenever the micelles were transferred from water into acetone, a non-selective solvent for the constituent blocks. This morphological transition has been attributed to the swelling of the slightly crosslinked PSoyOx core.

Chemical Structure of the investigated PEtOx-PSoyOx diblock copolymer.

Reversible morphological transition observed in core-crosslinked PEtOx-PSoyOx micelles.

The formation of micelles on surfaces by spin-coating dilute solutions of diblock, triblock, and tetrablock copoly(2-oxazoline)s in a non-selective has been also demonstrated. Those micelles are not pre-existing in the initial solution but are formed during the evaporation of the solvent by the precipitation of the least soluble block. The morphology and size of the micelles vary according to the fraction of this block but is not dependent on the block order in the copolymer.

AFM image (left: height image, right: phase image) of a spin-coated sample from a 1 g/L solution of the MeOx25-EtOx25-PhOx25-EtOx25 copolymer in ethanol.

Researchers involved: Haying Huang,  Nathalie Lefèvre

Collaborations: Ulrich Schubert (Eindhoven), Richard Hoogenboom (Eindhoven), Alain Jonas (UCL)

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