Lecture: Fernando Silveira, “Ultra Low Power Analog Integrated Circuits for Implantable Medical Devices”

Fernando Silveira, Pr., IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of the School of Engineering, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Ultra Low Power Analog Integrated Circuits for Implantable Medical Devices

This tutorial introduces the requirements and design techniques of ultra low power (ULP) analog CMOS integrated circuits, based on the framework of its application to implantable medical devices.

The talk has three parts: In the first part, the main characteristics and needs of implantable medical devices, particularly from the point of view of the analog circuit designer, are presented. The second part presents the field of ULP analog CMOS design by considering the aspects of device modeling, circuit design techniques and architectures. Finally, the last part, discusses perspectives in the fields of ULP analog CMOS and implantable medical devices.

The conference will be held on the 30th January at 11:00 in the EPL buildings (BARB 23 lecture hall, place Sainte-Barbe, Louvain-la-Neuve).
Drinks and appetizers will be served after the presentation and question-and-answer session.

Fernando Silveira (S’89- M’90- SM’03) received the Electrical Engineering degree from Universidad de la República, Uruguay in 1990 and the MSc. and PhD degree in Microelectronics from Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium in, respectively, 1995 and 2002. He is Professor at Universidad de la República, Uruguay. His research interests are in design of ultra low-power analog and RF integrated circuits and systems, in particular with biomedical application. In this field, he is co-author of one book and many technical articles and advised Masters and PhD thesis. He has acted as invited plenary speaker at various events and served as reviewer of several journals and conferences.

He has multiple industrial activities with CCC Medical Devices and NanoWattICs, including leading the design of an ASIC for implantable pacemakers, applied in industrial production and designing analog circuit modules for implantable devices for various companies worldwide (USA, Israel, Europe and Canada) that are part of medical devices which are currently under human clinical evaluation, mainly related to the cardiovascular and neural fields. He was member of the Technical Advisory Board of Gtronix, Inc, USA from 2006 to 2010. Dr. Silveira received the “Ingeniero Destacado” (Distinguished Engineer) award by the Uruguayan Association of Engineers in 2007 and is a member for 2011-2012 of the Distinguished Lecturers Program of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.

Pr. Fernando Silveira resume and publications list are available online on http://iie.fing.edu.uy/investigacion/grupos/microele/integra.htm.