SBEX21 First year of studies |
Molecular approach
ANAT2120 |
Compléments de biologie cellulaire et moléculaire[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Courtoy (coord.), Pascal Kienlen-Campard, Jean-Noël Octave, Marie-France Vandenbroucke
BCHM1121 |
Biochimie humaine normale et pathologique[60h+16h] (8 credits) (in French)
Louis Hue, Frédéric Lemaigre
FARM2182 |
Molecular genetics of the procaryotes and concepts of genetic engineering[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Etienne De Plaen, Jean-Noël Octave (coord.)
Functional approach
DENT1260 |
Physiologie humaine[45h+15h] (6 credits) (in French)
Sonia Brichard, Nicole Morel
FARM2290 |
General pathophysiology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Olivier Feron, Michel Lambert (coord.)
Morphological approach
ISTO1301 |
Normal histology of systems (part 2)[15h+25h] (4 credits) (in French)
Idesbald Colin (supplée Jean-François Denef), Jean-François Denef, Marie-Christine Many (coord.), Jean-Marie Scheiff
Xenobiotics approach
ESP3620 |
Santé et environnement: risques chimiques[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Perrine Hoet
FARM2144 |
General Pharmacology[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Josiane Burton, Emmanuel Hermans, Roger-K. Verbeeck
[partim pharmacokinetics : 15 hours]
MCBL1330 |
Medical Microbiology[50h+12.5h] (6 credits) (in French)
Michel Delmée, Patrick Goubau
[partim 35 hours + 12.5 hours : bacteriology, mycology, parasitology]
Quantitative approach
ESP3142 |
Epidemiology[22.5h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Fabienne Nackers, Annie Robert (coord.)
"Public health or Human Sciences approach
of the 3 following courses subject to registering at the Biomedical Sciences secretary's office
MD2201 |
Christian ethics[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Philippe Goffinet
MD2202 |
Faith and reason[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
MD2203 |
Questions of Religious Sciences : The Bible and his Message[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
and a language course
ANGL2454 |
Interactive English[30h] (3 credits)
Marc Piwnik, Albert Verhaegen
60 hours minimum for the year, to be chosen in agreement with the promoter and the programme management committee.
Consult the recommended options list below.
Students with a non-university higher education diploma
who have successfully completed their entrance exam may, depending on
their previous studies, have to add a supplement of maximum 150 hours
to their programme in the first or second cycle at the school, with the
approval of the programme manager.
SBIM9212 |
Stage en laboratoire[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
The information concerning this apprenticeship is available at the secretary's office.
apprenticeship takes place during the programme of the 2nd year of the
first cycle of university studies ("candidature") in Biomedical
Sciences, but can be validated at the end of the 1st year of the
"licence" programme at the latest.
SBEX22 Second year of studies |
Compulsory courses
BCMM2140 |
Molecular cell biology of hormonal regulation[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Stefan Constantinescu, Frédéric Lemaigre
SBIM2520 |
Workshop of molecular genetics[40h] (3 credits) (in French)
Patrick Jacquemin, Patrick Jacquemin
120 hours minimum for the year, to be chosen with
the agreement of the promoter and the programme management
This thesis consists of a personal scientific piece of work, in the domain of Experimental Biomedical Sciences
carried out, at least in part, in one of the Faculty of Medecine
laboratories under the scientific responsibility of a member of the
academic or scientific personnel of UCL. The writing of the thesis
involves at least 90 hours of seminars, work meetings or supervised
practical work, under the responsibility of the promoter.
In the case where, after the agreement of the management
committee, the thesis is carried out in another faculty, in a
non-university centre of research, or in industry, a member of the
management committee will intervene in the supervision of the thesis in the
capacity of co-promoter.
The work on the thesis will begin as from the
first year of the "licence" programme (SBIC 21). The domain in which it will be
written will be communicated to the committee with the written agreement
of the promoter by 30th November of the first year of the
programme, at the latest.
Recommended options for the SBEX orientation
Molecular approach
BCHM2120 |
Supplementary Biochemistry[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Luc Bertrand, Mark Rider
BCMM2130 |
Biochemistry of Metabolic Diseases[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Marie-Cécile Nassogne, Marie-Françoise Vincent
BCMM3140 |
Enzymologie clinique (avec travaux pratiques)[15h+15h] (in French)
Marianne Philippe, Marie-Françoise Vincent (coord.)
DENT1280 |
Biochimie spéciale[25h] (3 credits) (in French)
Françoise Bontemps, Gaëtane Leloup (coord.)
FARM2190 |
Immunology, immunogenetics and immunopathology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jean-Christophe Renauld
FARM3160 |
Compléments de bactériologie moléculaire[15h+50h] (in French)
FARM3180 |
Compléments de biochimie médicale[60h] (in French)
Vincent Haufroid, Teresinha Leal, Diane Maisin, Marianne Philippe, Marie-Françoise Vincent, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.)
FARM3333 |
Molecular biology applied to pharmacology[15h] (in French)
Jean-Noël Octave
GIM3101 |
Questions spéciales d'immunologie expérimentale[30h] (in French)
SBIM3120 |
Atelier de biologie moléculaire et techniques du génie génétique[15h] (in French)
Functional approach
FARM3300 |
Pathologie infectieuse[29h] (in French)
Gerald Glupczynski, Paul Tulkens (coord.), Françoise Van Bambeke
FARM3320 |
Principe et méthodologie des dosages radioimmunologiques et radionucléidiques[15h+40h] (in French)
Diane Maisin, Marianne Philippe (coord.)
HEMA3100 |
Methods in Haematological Biology[20h+10h] (in French)
Bernard Chatelain, Véronique Deneys, Jean-Marie Scheiff (coord.)
MCBL3114 |
New aspects on the use of autoimmune serology[15h] (in French)
Jean-Paul TOMASI
Morphological approach
Xenobiotics approach
FARM3190 |
Compléments de chimie toxicologique et phytopharmacie[22.5h+45h] (in French)
Pierre Wallemacq
FARM3200 |
Radiochemistry, radiotoxicology et radiopharmacy[22.5h+60h] (in French)
Bernard Gallez
INTR2450 |
Experimental toxicology related to food and nutrition[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pedro Buc Calderon, Nathalie Delzenne
MCBL3115 |
Complements in microbiology[60h+90h] (in French)
Michel Delmée, Jacques GIGI (coord.), Gerald Glupczynski, Jean-Paul TOMASI
MCBL3120 |
Complements in Virology[45h+45h] (in French)
Monique Bodéus, Patrick Goubau
MDTR3211 |
Toxicologie industrielle[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Dominique Lison
PHAR2170 |
Experimental pharmacology[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Maloteaux
Quantitative approach
INFM2111 |
Eléments d'informatique médicale[15h+15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Benoît Debande
INFM2112 |
Medical Informatics[15h+15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Etienne De Clercq, Francis Roger France
SBIM2243 |
Digital processing of medical images[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Benoît Macq, Claude Veraart
Public Health and Human Sciences approach
FILO1220 |
Epistemology 2: Introduction to philosophy of science[45h] (5 credits) (in French)
Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Tom Dedeurwaerdere (supplée N.), Bernard Feltz
SEHY3102 |
Contrôle de l'ambiance chimique de travail[15h] (in French)
Vincent Haufroid, Dominique Lison (coord.), Christian Lucion
Methodology courses
SBIM3100 |
Elementary quantitative analysis[22.5h] (in French)
Bernard Tilquin
SBIM2111 |
Methodolgy of cell and molecular biology[22.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Courtoy (coord.), Emile Van Schaftingen
BCMM3320 |
Pathological Histo- and Cytochemistry[30h] (in French)
Jean-François Denef, Yves Guiot (coord.), Jacques Rahier
[partim : 22,5 hours]