Programme management
OPES Faculté ouverte de politique économique et sociale
Coordinateur : Michel De Vroey
Coordinateur : Marthe Nyssens
Coordinateur : Hervé Pourtois
Coordinateur : Luc Albarello
Coordinateur : Michel Barbeaux
Coordinateur : N.
Coordinateur : Jean Houard
Coordinateur : Pierre de Saint-Georges
Coordinateur : Donatienne Desmette
Coordinateur : Ginette Herman
Conseiller à la formation : Michel Elias
Conseiller à la formation : Bernadette Bailleux
Conseiller à la formation : N.
Conseiller à la formation : Damien Bouchat
Conseiller à la formation : Daniel Cornerotte
Conseiller à la formation : Marie-Thérèse Coenen
Conseiller à la formation : Gérard Pirotton
Conseiller à la formation : Danielle Ruquoy
Conseiller à la formation : Claude-Marie Van der Gucht
Contact : Gisèle Evrard
Tél. 010473908
Study objectives
The FOPES programme is aimed at university
training in agents of change in economic and social domains. Focus
is therefore placed on the scientific
quality and the capacity to develop economic politics and social
alternatives alike. This orientation towards action leads to a maximum
linking of the study programme with professional or social experience.
This implies, as far as the pedagogical methods are concerned,
according special attention to the central role played by the student
as being
a responsible agent in his own learning.
Admission conditions
The FOPES programme addresses adults who have not had
the possibility to undertake university studies by the regular path and
who are not necessarily holders of a first study cycle diploma
("candidature") or a non-university higher education diploma. It
addresses people principally involved in economic problems (regional
development, employment politicies, etc) or socio-cultural problems
(popular education, literacy, education, etc). To qualify for
admission, the candidate must possess the necessary capacities,
knowledge and social, economic or political experience. Completion of previous studies must already date
back several years. A jury examines each application for admission
and deliberates each and every single case. It validates
professional experiences and personal assets further to the
evaluation procedure organised to verify if the student's capabilities and
knowledge are sufficient to successfully accomplish the study
Admission procedure
The admission procedure for the FOPES programme is
rather long, but aims to optimalise the student's chances of success
during the studies by taking into account the special particularities of
the target public.
The procedure begins in November. Requests for
information must arrive by March, at the latest, for the following
academic year starting in September.
The stages of the admission process are as follows :
a) Anybody requesting information from the FOPES and who gives their name and addresse is registered on the waiting list.
b) In November of each year, the people who live in the regions concerned by the openings of the following year
(or who belong to a sector of activities or involvement
concerned) are invited to information sessions which are held between November and March.
c) A questionnaire admission application form is
made available for those who so wish, during the information sessions.
This questionnaire helps both the candidate student and the FOPES
to weigh up the experience, centres of interest and the study request.
d) In March-April, those candidates who have submitted
the questionnaire are invited to do a written exam followed by an oral
exam and an orientation interview. During the oral exam, the
candidate's knowledge is assessed to see whether he can undertake the
study cycle ; the orientation interview helps assess the experience and
aspirations of the candidate student. The oral exam and
the orientation interview generally take place on the same day.
e) The FOPES will then decide whether or not to invite
the candidate student to an launching workshop. An appeal procedure
exists for those candidates not invited to interview.
f) The launching workshop last 30 hours. It helps the
students to better define their study project as well as their
aspirations and provides them with more detailed information on the
possible activities of the FOPES.
The launching workshop, which requires the participation
of every student, also helps the group and sub-groups to form. It takes
place during the last fortnight of June and sometimes the first 2
weekends of September.
During the course of the workshop, the students work on
their study project. This project will set the main direction
throughout the programme and will conclude with the end of course
At the end of the workshop, the students will confirm
their application to the FOPES Council who will take a decision based
on tevery aspect of the application.
Currently, 3 new groups are opened every year.
General structure of the programme
The "licence" programme in Economic and Social Politics lasts 3 years (for 180 credits).
The compulsory courses are spread over the 1st and 2nd
year. The free-choice courses are chosen by the groups during the
second and organised in the
3rd year.
The programme also comprises specific and methodological
seminars, operationalisation seminars organised in groups for a
total of 47 hours per year and in sub-groups for a total of 102 hours
hours per week). The groups also consacrate 15 hours a year to the
pedagogical coordination of the programme.
Concretely speaking, the students must participate in
- 32 sessions of 6 hours in a group (generally on Saturdays but certain groups meet up on Tuesdays or Thursdays).
- 2 residential week-ends ;
- 34 sessions of 3 hours in sub-groups,
generally in the evening.
The timetable is communicated to the students by the
study advisor. The activities take place from the beginning of
septembre to the end of June, following the calendar for secondary
Programme content
First year
OPES1310 |
History and currents of thought in economics[30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Michel De Vroey, Florence Degavre (supplée N.), Pierre Reman
OPES1320 |
Macroeconomics[45h] (in French)
Bart Cockx, Philippe Defeyt, Réginald Savage, Christian Valenduc
OPES1330 |
Sociology : social structures and social change[30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Georges Liénard, Jean Nizet, Marie Verhoeven
OPES1340 |
Social and political philosophy[30h] (in French)
David Robichaud, Muriel Ruol
OPES1350 |
Introduction to methodology in social science[15h] (in French)
Donatienne Desmette, Jean-Luc Guyot, Marthe Nyssens
OPES1360 |
Introduction to descriptive statistics[15h] (in French)
Luc Albarello, Jean-Luc Guyot
OPES1301 |
A préciser (in French)
OPES1302 |
A préciser (in French)
OPES1303 |
A préciser (in French)
OPES2200 |
Analysis of scientific texts and preliminary works for the dissertation[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
Luc Albarello, Michel Barbeaux, Pierre de Saint-Georges, Michel De Vroey, Donatienne Desmette, Ginette Herman, Georges Liénard, Marthe Nyssens, Hervé Pourtois, Jean-Marie Wautelet
Second year
OPES2139 |
Sociology of organization[30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Pierre de Saint-Georges, Bernard Fusulier, Jean Nizet
OPES2140 |
Entreprise: contrôle, diagnostic et stratégie[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
Isabelle Callens, Stéphane Nassaut, Alexandre Samii
OPES2155 |
A design and economic evaluation of policies and projects[30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Michel Barbeaux, Philippe Defeyt, Muriel Dejemeppe, Bruno Van der Linden, Bruno Van der Linden
OPES2160 |
Analysis of Discriminations[30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Donatienne Desmette
OPES2170 |
Social and politic philosophy[30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jean-Michel Chaumont, Geert Demuijnck (supplée Jean-Michel Chaumont), Hervé Pourtois
OPES2200 |
Analysis of scientific texts and preliminary works for the dissertation[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
Luc Albarello, Michel Barbeaux, Pierre de Saint-Georges, Michel De Vroey, Donatienne Desmette, Ginette Herman, Georges Liénard, Marthe Nyssens, Hervé Pourtois, Jean-Marie Wautelet
Third year
Compulsory courses
OPES2181 |
Methods and techniques of data processing[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Luc Albarello, Pierre de Saint-Georges, Françoise Digneffe, Ginette Herman, Jean-Pierre Hiernaux, Réginald Savage
OPES2200 |
Analysis of scientific texts and preliminary works for the dissertation[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
Luc Albarello, Michel Barbeaux, Pierre de Saint-Georges, Michel De Vroey, Donatienne Desmette, Ginette Herman, Georges Liénard, Marthe Nyssens, Hervé Pourtois, Jean-Marie Wautelet
Free choice courses
OPES2210 |
Politiques économiques des pouvoirs publics[30h] (in French)
OPES2212 |
Public finances and institutions[30h] (in French)
Michel Barbeaux
OPES2214 |
Politique industrielle, de l'emploi et des relations collectives[30h] (in French)
OPES2215 |
Développement régional[30h] (in French)
Jean Houard
OPES2217 |
Contemporary socio economic models.[30h] (in French)
Jean-Marie Wautelet
OPES2218 |
Socio-economic approaches of sustainable development[30h] (in French)
Philippe Defeyt
OPES2220 |
Organizational and human management[30h] (in French)
Anne Rousseau
OPES2224 |
Economic and social actors in Europe[30h] (in French)
Pierre Jonckheer
OPES2230 |
Politiques et institutions culturelles[30h] (in French)
OPES2231 |
Sociology of the inequalities[30h] (in French)
Abraham Franssen, Georges Liénard
OPES2232 |
Politiques et institutions de formation des adultes[30h] (in French)
OPES2234 |
Gestion et évaluation de projets culturels et sociaux[30h] (in French)
Pierre Georis
OPES2235 |
A préciser (in French)
OPES2236 |
Moyens de communication et d'informations[30h] (in French)
Thierry De Smedt
OPES2237 |
Mutations culturelles dans la société industrielle[30h] (in French)
Jean De Munck
OPES2238 |
Marché et culture : analyse socio-économique[30h] (in French)
Jean-Marie Lacrosse
OPES2242 |
Stratification sociale et distribution des revenus[30h] (in French)
Christian Valenduc
OPES2243 |
Economie sociale et mouvements coopératifs[30h] (in French)
OPES2247 |
Philosophie de l'action sociale et politique[30h] (in French)
Hervé Pourtois
OPES2248 |
Social actors : mobilization and demobilization[30h] (in French)
Marie Verhoeven
OPES2258 |
Questions spéciales de politique économique et sociale en société capitaliste[30h] (in French)
OPES2259 |
Questions spéciales sur les problèmes de transition socio-économique[30h] (in French)
So as to give the student a central role, formative
evaluation is by no means neglible in the FOPES programme. The courses
also conclude by means of a certificative evaluation, the
responsibility of which is left up to the lecturer. The totality of the
study year is evaluated by the group council, composed of students, a
professor-coordinator, a study advisor and a director or his delegate.
The global management of the different aspects of the evaluation
is entrusted to the study advisor.
Positioning of the degree within the University cursus
The "Licence"diploma in Economic and Social Politics is
delivered regularly by the Catholic University of Louvain. It validates
a basic second cycle university training programme on the lines of the
decree concerning academic certificates of the French-speaking
Community in Belgium. It entitles access
to the teacher-training certificate for upper secondary school years (Economics, Social and Political Sciences)
as well as to second study cycle diplomas
(eg.: Anthropology, Management, etc) and to University certificates (Economic and Social Ethics, Philosophy, etc).