At the end of this course, the students will be able to :
- characterize the different kinds of equalities and inequalities (cultural and symbolic, economic, social, political), to examine the mutual relations they entertain and their social effects
- characterize the modes of production and action on the inequalities by comparison of the fordist period and the global market period; the collective and individualized approach
- use the adequate tools for analyzing concrete situations and elaborating proposals.

Main themes
With a view to reach theses objectives, at least two main lines will be presented : one providing tools for the analysis of the processes relating to different kinds of inequalities as well as their effects and another applying these analytical tools on different social fields.
- Study of different social action's regimes (cooperation, conflict, domination, negociation, ...) and of the different conceptions of the justice criteria; analysis of the dynamics of the inequalities and their specificities in the relations between groups and classes (Boltanski, Thevenot, Bourdieu, Menger, Touraine, Dubet)
- Restructuring of the social classes according to the transformation of the modes of production of inequalities and of their collective and individual effects (Rosanvallon, Cohen, Bernstein, Lahire, Bajoit, Bourdieu, Castel, Maurin, Piketty)
- The cultural stake in the transformation of social relations between groups : democratization of culture and school, cultural democracy, place of the culture in knowledge economics and in the other social fields
- Analysis of the diverse functions of culture in the relations between groups; dynamics between social relation, sense and legitimacy relations, social position.
