1. To know the evolution of the principal forms of physical and sporting activities. 2. To include/understand the principal determinants (economic, political, cultural, philosophical and different) of this evolution. 3. To include/understand the influence of last on the current practices. To sensitize with the importance of historical dimension to include/understand the human institutions and conduits. 4. To know and include/understand the great principles of historical criticism. To cause readings or research in this field.

Main themes
- various forms of physical and sporting activities, from antiquity to our days. The factors which supported their development and their transformation. - principal notions of historical criticism: usual sources (administrative testimonys, memories and correspondences, documents, etc), methods of data processing (for example processes of quantitative analysis), multiplicity of interpretations and explanations of the last facts.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en éducation physique
(1.5 credits)
