The candidate is a native Portuguese speaker from Brazil with a training in linguistics and phonetics. He/she will be part of a team that designs, develops, tests, … Job: native Portuguese linguist from Brazil (Acapela, Mons)Read more
Job: native Portuguese linguist (Acapela, Mons)
The candidate is a native Portuguese speaker with a training in linguistics and phonetics. He/she will be part of a team that designs, develops, tests, and deploys … Job: native Portuguese linguist (Acapela, Mons)Read more
24th DiscourseNet Conference
Discourse and Communication as Propaganda: digital and multimodal forms of activism, persuasion and disinformation across ideologies 18-20 May 2020, Brussels, Belgium This conference provides a … 24th DiscourseNet ConferenceRead more
Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Socio-Semiotic Approach
03-05 October 2019, Ghent, Belgium The main aim of this conference, which forms the opening event of the ERC-project ‘Everyday writing in Graeco-Roman and Late … Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Socio-Semiotic ApproachRead more
14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (LVLT14)
31 Aug – 04 Sep 2020, Ghent, Belgium The 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (Latin vulgaire – latin tardif XIV) will be … 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (LVLT14)Read more
6th European and 9th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication
September 9-10 2019, University of Leuven The 6th European and 9th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication aims to provide a multidisciplinary forum for researchers from different … 6th European and 9th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal CommunicationRead more
PhD candidate: NLP in the domain of Spanish dialectology (Ghent University)
In the context of a research infrastructure project, a scholarship is offered for a PhD student in the LT3 Language and Translation Technology Team at … PhD candidate: NLP in the domain of Spanish dialectology (Ghent University)Read more
Carrièremogelijkheden: Doctor-assistent (UGent)
→ Solliciteren tot 02-07-2019 23:59 (Brussels time) → Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte → Vakgroep LW22 – Vertalen, tolken en communicatie → AAP tijdelijke aanstelling – 100% → … Carrièremogelijkheden: Doctor-assistent (UGent)Read more
BCGL 12: Suppletion, allomorphy, and syncretism
Brussels, December 16-17 2019. CRISSP is proud to present the twelfth instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to suppletion, allomorphy, and … BCGL 12: Suppletion, allomorphy, and syncretismRead more
Job: Instituut voor Levende Talen (ILT), KU Leuven
Het Instituut voor Levende Talen (ILT) verzorgt taalcolleges voor verschillende talen in de faculteiten van de KU Leuven en biedt ook cursussen en diensten op … Job: Instituut voor Levende Talen (ILT), KU LeuvenRead more