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Mandatory Optional
Course not taught in 2020-2021 Periodic course not taught in 2020-2021
Periodic course taught in 2020-2021 Activity with prerequisites
Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory Content:
Optional Physique statistique et mathématique
Optional LPHYS2211 Group theory   Philippe Ruelle
22.5h+22.5h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2215 Statistical field theory   Christian Hagendorf
30h  5 credits q2
Optional Gravitation, cosmologie et astroparticules
Optional LPHYS2221 Astrophysics and astroparticles   Krzysztof Piotrzkowski
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2223 utrino physics and dark matter   Marco Drewes
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2224 Advanced cosmology and general relativity   Christophe Ringeval
30h  5 credits q2
Optional Physique des particules
Optional LPHYS2233 Experimental methods in particle physics   Eduardo Cortina Gil
, Christophe Delaere
, Pietro Vischia (compensates Giacomo Bruno)
52.5h+7.5h  10 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2234 Quantum field theory 2   Jan Govaerts
30h  5 credits q2
Optional Physique atomique, moléculaire et optique
Optional LPHYS2242 Fundamentals of quantum information   Sorin Melinte
, Bernard Piraux
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2244 Molecular physics   Clément Lauzin
22.5h+7.5h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2245 Lasers physics   Clément Lauzin
22.5h+7.5h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2246 Experimental methods in atomic and molecular physics   Clément Lauzin
, Xavier Urbain
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2247 Special topics in quantum optics   Bernard Piraux
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2248 Ultra-fast laser physics   Clément Lauzin
22.5h+7.5h  5 credits q2
Optional Physique de la matière condensée et des milieux continus
Optional LMAPR2451 Atomistic and nanoscopic simulations   Jean-Christophe Charlier
, Xavier Gonze
, Gian-Marco Rignanese
30h+30h  5 credits q2
Optional Physique de la Terre, des planètes et du climat
Optional LPHYS2260 Geodesy and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)   30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2264 Atmospheric and oceanic waves and instabilities   Michel Crucifix
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2265 Sea ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in polar regions   Thierry Fichefet
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2266 Physics of the upper atmosphere and space   Viviane Pierrard
22.5h+7.5h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2267 Paleoclimate dynamics and modelling   Qiuzhen Yin
22.5h+7.5h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2268 Forecast, prediction and projection in climate science   François Massonnet
22.5h+7.5h  5 credits q2
Optional LPHYS2269 Remote sensing of climate change   Emmanuel Dekemper
30h  5 credits q2
Optional Compléments de mathématique
Optional LMAT2130 Partial differential equations   Heiner Olbermann
30h+15h  5 credits q1
Optional LMAT2160 Training seminar for mathematical researchers   Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace
, Jean Van Schaftingen
15h  5 credits q1
Optional LMAT2250 Calculus of variations   Augusto Ponce
30h+15h  5 credits q2
Optional LMAT2265 Complex geometry   Luc Haine
30h+15h  5 credits q2
Optional LMAT2420 Complex analysis   Tom Claeys
30h+15h  5 credits q2
Optional LMAT2470 Processus stochastiques (statistique)   Donatien Hainaut
30h  5 credits q2