To enrol for this Masters, the student must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, they must add preparatory modules to their Master’s programme.
> Legend | |||||
Constituer un programme de 60 crédits parmi les propositions suivantes | |||||
LSEX1360 | Interdisciplinary seminar on family and sexuality studies | Marie Géonet , Bénédicte Mouton | 30h | 10 credits | 2q |
minimum 10 crédits parmi les suivants |
LPSP1003 | Introduction to development psychology | Laurie Loop (compensates Isabelle Roskam) , Isabelle Roskam | 45h | 5 credits | 2q |
LPSP1004 | Introduction to the psychology of personality | Vassilis Saroglou | 30h | 3 credits | 2q |
LPSP1201 | Clinical psychology | Céline Douilliez , Susann Heenen-Wolff (coord.) , Nicolas Pinon , Emmanuelle Zech | 60h | 6 credits | 1q |
LPSP1301 | Health psychology | Stefan Agrigoroaei , Stefan Agrigoroaei (compensates Stephan Van den Broucke) , Stephan Van den Broucke | 30h | 4 credits | 1q |
LIEPR1007 | Psychology | Stefan Agrigoroaei , Damien Brevers | 30h | 3 credits | 1q |
LDROI1220 | Introduction to Psychology | Pierre Bouchat , Emmanuelle Zech (coord.) | 45h | 3 credits | 2q |
LPSP1330 | Psychologie du groupe et des relations interpersonnelles | Karl-Andrew Woltin | 22.5h | 3 credits | 1q |
LCOPS1125 | Psychology and Social Psychology | Coralie Buxant , Olivier Corneille , Adrien Mierop | 30h | 5 credits | 2q |
Sociologie et anthropologie
minimum 7 crédits parmi les suivants |
LESPO1113 | Sociology and Anthropology of the Contemporary Worlds | Joseph Amougou (compensates Matthieu de Nanteuil) , Julien Charles (compensates Matthieu de Nanteuil) , Jean De Munck , Matthieu de Nanteuil , Hugues Draelants | 40h | 5 credits | 1 ou 2q |
LPOLS1225 | Social and cultural anthropology | Anaïs Ménard | 30h | 4 credits | 2q |
LSPED1215 | Gender and Societies | Ester Lucia Rizzi | 30h | 5 credits | 2q |
LPSP1007 | Sociology: education, health and work | Marc Zune | 30h | 3 credits | 1q |
LSPED1213 | Contemporary issues in development policy: a comparative approach | Joseph Amougou , Joseph Amougou (compensates An Ansoms) , An Ansoms | 30h | 5 credits | 2q |
LPOLS1232 | Interdisciplinary Introduction to Gender Studies | Marie Deridder (compensates Laura Merla) , Laura Merla | 15h | 5 credits | 2q |
LPOLS1234 | Theories and concepts in sociology | Marc Zune | 30h | 4 credits | 1q |
minimum 4 crédits parmi les suivants |
LCOPS1113 | Modern and Contemporary History | Emmanuel Debruyne (coord.) , Gilles Lecuppre , Silvia Mostaccio | 30h | 5 credits | 2q |
LFIAL1155 | Introduction to History (Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Contemporary) | Paul Bertrand (coord.) , Silvia Mostaccio , Françoise Van Haeperen , Laurence Van Ypersele | 45h | 4 credits | 1q |
minimum 4 crédits parmi les suivants |
LFILO1170 | Philosophical anthropology | Michel Dupuis , Nathalie Frogneux (coord.) | 45h | 5 credits | 2q |
LFIAL1190 | Introduction to Philosophy | Jean-Michel Counet | 45h | 5 credits | 1q |
LCOPS1311 | Social Philosophy | Mark Hunyadi | 30h | 4 credits | 2q |
LPSP1008 | Philosophy: education, health and work | Jean Leclercq | 30h | 3 credits | 2q |
LCOPS1124 | Philosophy | Sylvain Camilleri , Nathalie Frogneux | 30h | 5 credits | 2q |
Statistiques et méthodes
minimum 8 crédits parmi les suivants |
LCOPS1114 | Statistics and Bases of Probability Theory | Marie-Paule Kestemont | 30h+30h | 5 credits | 1q |
LPOLS1221 | Quantitative Data Analysis | Jacques Marquet | 25h+20h | 4 credits | 1q |
LPSP1209 | Statistics, inference on one or two variables | Bernadette Govaerts | 22.5h+15h | 4 credits | 1q |
LSPED1211 | Introduction to Demography | Bruno Schoumaker | 30h | 5 credits | 1q |
cours à option | |||||
LANGL2141 | English for Family and Sexuality Studies - online course | Sabrina Knorr (coord.) , Carlo Lefevre (coord.) | 120h | 4 credits | 1 + 2q |
LPSP1005 | General biology, including elements of human genetics | André Moens | 30h | 4 credits | 1q |
LPOLS1314 | Social Law | Bernard Nyssen | 30h | 4 credits | 1q |
LPSP1337 | Political psychology | Stephan Van den Broucke | 22.5h | 3 credits | 1q |
LFOPA2007 | Traitement de données quantitatives | Mikaël De Clercq | 30h+15h | 6 credits | 1q |
LESPO1122 | Foundations of Law | Nicolas Bonbled , Jean-Marc Hausman , Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin | 40h | 5 credits | 1 ou 2q |