2nd annual unit

psp1ba  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

> Légende
Mandatory Tronc commun
Mandatory Fondements biologiques
Mandatory LPSP1207 Introduction to cognitive neurosciences   André Mouraux
30h  3 credits 1q
Mandatory Fondements en psychologie et en éducation
Mandatory LPSP1201 Clinical psychology   Céline Douilliez
, Susann Heenen-Wolff (coord.)
, Nicolas Pinon
, Emmanuelle Zech
60h  6 credits 1q
Mandatory LPSP1202 General psychopathology   Philippe de Timary
, Céline Douilliez (coord.)
, Alexandre Heeren
60h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LPSP1203 Psychology of disabled persons   Nathalie Grosbois
, Stéphanie Mazzone (compensates Nathalie Grosbois)
30h  3 credits 1q
Mandatory LPSP1204 Work and organizational psychology   Annalisa Casini
, Florence Stinglhamber
60h  6 credits 2q
Mandatory LPSP1205 Social psychology and cultural, intercultural psychology   Vassilis Saroglou
, Vincent Yzerbyt (coord.)
60h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LPSP1206 Psychology of education   Frédéric Nils
60h  6 credits 2q
Mandatory LPSP1208 Neurophysiology   Mauro Pesenti
30h  4 credits 1q
Mandatory LPSP1213 Development, environment and culture   Isabelle Roskam
30h  3 credits 2q
Mandatory Pratiques et méthodes
Mandatory LPSP1209 Statistics, inference on one or two variables   Bernadette Govaerts
22.5h+15h  4 credits 1q
Mandatory LPSP1210 Methodology of research   Olivier Corneille
, Jan De Mol
, Martin Edwards (coord.)
, Virginie März (compensates Jan De Mol)
45h+15h  5 credits 1 + 2q
Mandatory LPSP1211 Psychometrics   Jacques Grégoire
30h+15h  4 credits 2q
Mandatory Langues
Mandatory LANGL1842 English for psychologists & speech and language therapists   Marie Duelz
, Sandrine Jacob
, Sabrina Knorr (coord.)
, Carlo Lefevre (coord.)
, Lucille Meyers (compensates Jean-Paul Nyssen)
, Jean-Paul Nyssen
45h  4 credits 1 + 2q
Mandatory Projet de formation et professionnel
Mandatory LPSP9001B Projet de formation (partie B)   Mariane Frenay
, Florence Stinglhamber
15h+5h  2 credits 1 + 2q