2nd annual unit

fsa1ba  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

> Légende
Pour les étudiants déjà inscrits en 2017-2018 et ayant crédité au moins 45 crédits, voir https://uclouvain.be/prog-2017-fsa1ba-formation_generale. Ce programme est susceptible de quelques modifications (titulaires, quadrimestres, sigles de cours,...) en 2018-2019. Toutes les informations actualisées apparaîtront correctement dans le bureau virtuel des étudiants concernés.

Mandatory Obligatory Courses
Mandatory General Courses

All the students attend all these courses.  

Mandatory LEPL1103 EDPs et analyse complexe   30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LEPL1106 Signaux et systèmes   30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LEPL1203 Physique III   30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LEPL1108 Mathématiques discrètes et probabilité   30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LEPL1503 Projet 3   30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LEPL1302 Chimie et chimie physique 2   30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LEPL1402 Informatique 2   30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory Language Courses
Mandatory English courses

A placement test is organized at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and 2. Depending on the obtained mark, the students follow an adapted course. The students with a mark gretaer or equal to 16/20 keep their mark and could take an additional language course (out of the 180 credits); this additional course will only affect their average mark if credited (mark greater or equal to 10/20)  

Mandatory LANGL1272 Anglais pour ingénieurs civils II   30h  3 credits 1q
Optionnal Dutch courses
Optionnal LNEER1500 Interfaculty teaching unit - General and academic Dutch - upper-intermediate level   Hilde Bufkens (coord.)
, Valérie Dachy
30h  2 credits 1q
Optionnal German courses
Optionnal LALLE1300 General German - Upper-intermediate   Virginie Godin (coord.)
90h  2 credits 1 + 2q
Optionnal Spanish Courses
Optionnal LESPA1300 spanish middle level   Carmen Vallejo Villamor
90h  2 credits 1 + 2q
Mandatory Religion courses for students in exact sciences

The students choose one course between:  

Optionnal LTECO2100 Questions of religious sciences: Biblical readings   Hans Ausloos
15h  2 credits 1q
Optionnal LTECO2200 Questions of religious sciences: reflections about Christian faith   Dominique Martens
15h  2 credits 2q
Optionnal LTECO2300 Questions of religious sciences: questions about ethics   Marcela Lobo Bustamante
15h  2 credits 1q
Mandatory Specialization tracks

The students choose two specialization tracks (or one specialization track and one opening minor) between   De 30 à 60 CREDITS parmi

Optionnal Applied Chemistry and Physics
Mandatory LMECA1901 Continuum mechanics.   Philippe Chatelain
, Issam Doghri
30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LMAPR1805 Introduction to materials science   Jean-Christophe Charlier
, Pascal Jacques
, Aurélien Lherbier (compensates Jean-Christophe Charlier)
, Bernard Nysten
, Thomas Pardoen (coord.)
45h+15h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal Construction
, Jean-François Cap
, Benoît Pardoen (coord.)
, Denis Zastavni
30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LGCIV1022 Mechanics of structures   Pierre Latteur
, Jean-François Rondeaux (compensates Pierre Latteur)
30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal Electricity
Mandatory LELEC1101 Project in Electricity 1 : Electrical circuits   Christophe Craeye
, Bruno Dehez
, Claude Oestges (coord.)
30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LELEC1370 Measurements and electrical circuits   Christophe Craeye
, Bruno Dehez
, Claude Oestges (coord.)
30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal Biomedical Engineering
Mandatory LGBIO1111 Biologie et physiologie cellulaire   Charles De Smet
, Christophe De Vleeschouwer
, Pascal Kienlen-Campard
30h+15h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LGBIO1112 Introduction to biomedical engineering   Philippe Lefèvre
45h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal Computer Science
Mandatory LINFO1104 Paradigmes de programmation et concurrence   30h+30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LINFO1225 Conception orientée objet et gestion de données   30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal Applied Mathematics
Mandatory LINMA1315 Mathematical analysis : complements   Pierre-Antoine Absil (compensates Jean Van Schaftingen)
, Pierre-Antoine Absil
, Jean Van Schaftingen
30h+22.5h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LINMA1702 Optimization models and methods I   François Glineur
30h+22.5h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal Mechanics
Mandatory LMECA1210 Description et analyse des mécanismes   Paul Fisette
, Hervé Jeanmart
, Benoît Raucent
, Thomas Servais (compensates Benoît Raucent)
30h+30h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LMECA1901 Continuum mechanics.   Philippe Chatelain
, Issam Doghri
30h+30h  5 credits 1q