Decree of March 31st 2004 defining higher education, favoring its integration in the European framework of higher education and refinancing universities.
The admission requirements have to be met at the time of enrolment at the university.
All information can be obtained from the University’s Enrolment Office (Service des inscriptions – SIC).
The following students, after meeting the conditions set by the academic authorities, have access to the complementary Master’s degree with the aim of obtaining the grade that these studies sanction:
- An academic Master’s degree within the same field allowing 2nd-cycle studies, including at least 120 credits
- An academic Master’s degree, following a decision by the academic authorities, under the complementary conditions that they set and as a result of a motivated decision by the jury
- An academic grade which is similar to those mentioned above, issued by the Flemish Community, the German Community or the Royal Military Academy, under the same conditions
- A foreign academic grade that has been acknowledged as being equivalent to those mentioned above, in application of this decree, a European-level directive or an international convention, under the same conditions
- Under the same conditions, one or several titles or academic grade issued by the Flemish Community, the German Community or the Royal Military Academy, sanctioning 2nd-cycle studies and valued at least 300 credits by the jury, or sanctioning 2nd-cycle studies and valued at least 240 credits completed of 60 credits, the all that must be valued by the jury according to the decree of March 31st, 2004 (art 54, 5 °)
In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail
Conditions spécifiques d'admission
- Grade académique de bioingénieur, d'ingénieur chimiste et des bioindustries, d'ingénieur agronome avec une formation suffisante en sciences et technologie des aliments ou autre grade académique universitaire de deuxième cycle complété par une formation dans le domaine de base des sciences et technologies des aliments;
- cinq années d'études supérieures;
- la preuve de la maîtrise suffisante de la langue française (niveau B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence)
et connaissance de l'anglais scientifique.
- Tout étudiant belge ou européen est prié de suivre la procédure d'inscription via le service des inscriptions soit en introduisant sa demande en ligne soit en se présentant en personne au service des inscriptions.
- Tout étudiant international est invité à postuler en-ligne. La procédure est décrite à la page suivante:
Ouverture aux adultes
La place de ce programme au sein du cursus universitaire implique l'ouverture aux adultes bénéficiant d'une expérience professionnelle de plusieurs années, ce qui est le cas de la majorité des candidats à cette formation.