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Master in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The Master in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures : General (60 credits) aims to give an advanced training in French and Latin studies, which focuses on linguistics and literary history.

On completing this master, students :

Depending on the option which students choose, they will acquire more specialised skills either in the French or Latin domain.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme is made up of:
♦ core courses (45 credits), made up of :
- 15 credits in courses in Latin linguistics and literature;
- 15 credits in courses in French linguistics and literature;
- 15 credits for the end of study work;
♦ one option (15 credits).

Core courses


Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Accessible master :
Master [120] of arts in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures [120.0] Direct access to the second year of the master; training includes the Dissertation and the Dissertation seminar (30 credits), one focus and the possible further trainings (maximum 30 credits).

Links to the Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) :
at the end of the Master 60 in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures, the student can access the Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : General [30.0].

Student must hold a first level university degree.

Provide proof of a sufficient level in French (B1 of the European Framework of Reference )

Student must demonstrate skills in the following subjects:
⇒ Modern language and literature (French);
⇒ Ancient language and literature (Latin);
⇒ Philosophy;
⇒ History and historical criticism;
⇒ Art and civilisation;
⇒ Linguistic and literary theory;
⇒ modern languages and literature.

In the absence of sufficient training in one or several of these subjects, prerequisites will be added to the masters programme (with a maximum of 15 credits).

If the total number of prerequisites exceeds 15 credits, access to the master is subject to the student passing an additional year, the programme of which is established based on the student's file.

Course equivalences are submitted for approval to the chairman of the jury, the secretary of the jury and the academic faculty secretary.

University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures [180.0]   Direct access  
Bachelor in Ancient languages and Literatures : Classics [180.0] If student has taken the Minor in French Studies [30.0]   Direct access With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General [180.0]
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [180.0]
If student has taken the Minor in Latin Studies [30.0]   Direct access With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  
Bachelor in Ancient languages and Literatures : Classics [180.0]
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General [180.0]
  Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Other Bachelor If student has taken one of the following minors :
Minor in Latin Studies [30.0]
Minor in French Studies [30.0]  
Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Bachelor in Ancient languages and Literatures : Classics
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
  Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Academische Bachelor in Taal- en letterkunde (français/latin)   Direct access  
Academische Bachelor in Taal- en letterkunde (français/…)
Academische Bachelor in Taal- en letterkunde (latin/…)
  Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Foreign Bachelors
Foreign Bachelor   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
Not relevant for this Master.

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Holder of a "Licence" in Ancient Languages and Literatures
Holder of a "Licence" in French and Romance Languages and Literatures
  Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Master [60] of arts in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Classics [60.0]
Master [60] of arts in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General [60.0]
  Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Master en sciences humaines   Access with additional training Compléments de formation à déterminer selon le programme suivi  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
Not relevant for this Master.

Adults taking up their university training
> See the website www.uclouvain.be/vae
Les adultes avec une expérience professionnelle pourront s’inscrire au programme sur base d’une procédure d’admission individualisée

Personalized access
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements


Curriculum management 

Useful contacts

Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

The majority of courses on this programme use interactive teaching methods, inspired by the principles of the project 'gérer sa formation' or 'managing your training' (student autonomy guaranteed thanks to new ICT resources, e-learning, teaching teams, practice of oral and written communication, etc) . The programme familiarises the student with new resources and methods in the field of classical and Romance studies. The options programme foresees training in other disciplines, such as history and archeology.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

Written and oral exams aim to test both knowledge acquired as well as the student's know-how and communication skills. Some subjects, geared towards helping the student develop skills in research and personal criticism, are the subject of presentations and discussions spread over the year (permanent assessment).

Courses are evaluated according to current university regulations (see General Examination Regulations). Students may find further information on specific evaluation methods in the course descriptions.

No Erasmus exchange is planned for the master 60.
Course exchanges are possible thanks to the UCL-KULeuven agreement.

Core courses
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryIndividual final project (15credits)
Mandatory LLAFR2898

Individual final project  N.   15credits    x

MandatoryModern Languages and Literatures : French (15credits)
15 credits chosen from :
Optional LROM2151

Text Linguistics   Catherine Bolly, Anne-Catherine Simon 22.5h  5credits  2q  x
Optional LROM2200

History of the French language  Michel Francard 22.5h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2710

Literary aesthetics   Pierre Piret 22.5h  5credits  1q  x
Optional LROM2720

Literary History   Damien Zanone 22.5h  5credits  1q  x

MandatoryAncient Languages and Literatures : Latin (15credits)
Mandatory LGLOR2240

Latin Language III  Lambert Isebaert 30h  5credits  1+2q  x

MandatoryOptional courses (10credits)
10 credits chosen from :
Optional LFLTR2181

Latin epigraphy   Marco Cavalieri 22.5h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2431

Latin Authors : Late Antiquity  Paul Deproost 45h  5credits  1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2432

Thorough Study of Latin authors  Paul Deproost 45h  5credits  1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2531

Questions of Latine Literature  Alain Meurant 30h  5credits  1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

Options [15.0]
Students must choose one of the following two options :

Option in French Languages and Literatures [15.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

15 credits chosen from :
Optional LROM2180

Geolinguistic varieties of French   N. 22.5h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2472

Regional Walloon Languages (including onomastics)   Michel Francard 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2473

Walloon Dialectical Literature   Michel Francard 15h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2740

Sociology of Literature   Jean-Louis Tilleuil 22.5h  5credits  2q  x
Optional LROM2750

Contemporary literature and images   N. 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2790

Belgian literature in the French language: indepth questions
(Prerequisite : ROM 1523 Belgian Francophone Literature (or a course judged equivalent) ¿ 3 credits) 
Pierre Piret 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEA2241

Study of French theatrical literature I  Pierre Piret 30h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEA2242

Study of French theatrical literature II  (in French) Pierre Piret 30h  5credits  Periodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2221

Issues in medieval literary history   Mattia Cavagna (coord.), Colette Storms 22.5h  5credits  1q  x
Optional LROM2222

Reading medieval texts : François Villon  Tania Van Hemelryck 22.5h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2223

In-Depth Survey of Medieval French Texts   Olivier Delsaux (supplée Tania Van Hemelryck), Tania Van Hemelryck 22.5h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

Option in Latin Languages and Literatures [15.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

15 credits chosen from :
Optional LGLOR2503

Vulgar and Medieval Latin Linguistics  Lambert Isebaert 30h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LFLTR2150

History of Humanism   Agnès Guiderdoni (coord.), Aline Smeesters 22.5h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2502

History of Medieval Latin literature  Paul Deproost 30h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2501

Latin Authors : Middle Age and Renaissance  Paul Deproost 30h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2507

Neolatijn : taal en literatuur (KULeuven)  (in French) N. 39h  5credits    x
Optional LGLOR2204

Seminar : Theory and Practice of Literary Translation (applied to Ancient Languages)  N. 30h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2242

Special Issues in Latin Linguistics  Lambert Isebaert 30h  5credits  1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x