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Belgian Diplomas International Diplomas

 General admission requirements GEST2M

 General admission requirements GEST2M

 Admission Procedure

 Deadline for applications:

 Admission Procedure for Holders of an International Diploma

 Deadline for applications:

  • students from outside the European Union:
        30 April
  • students from the European Union: 
        31 August

University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelor in Economics and Management   Direct access  
Other bachelors With the minor in management and programme in line with general entry requirements   Access with additional training Where any necessary additional training does not exceed 15 credits, these may be added to the first year of the Master. If the necessary credits are between 15 and 60 credits, they can be taken during a preparatory year.  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Bachelor in Management Science
Bachelor in Economics and Management
Bachelor in Business Engineering
  Direct access  
Other Bachelor Programme in line with general entry requirements   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Where any necessary additional training does not exceed 15 credits, these may be added to the first year of the Master. If the necessary credits are between 15 and 60 credits, they can be taken during a preparatory year.  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Bachelor in Management
  On the file: direct access or access with additional training Where any necessary additional training does not exceed 15 credits, these may be added to the first year of the Master. If the necessary credits are between 15 and 60 credits, they can be taken during a preparatory year.   
Foreign Bachelors
All Bachelors in Econimics and Management or equivalent   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Where any necessary additional training does not exceed 15 credits, these may be added to the first year of the Master. If the necessary credits are between 15 and 60 credits, they can be taken during a preparatory year.       

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
Bachelors in Business Management, Commercial Engineering, Public Sector Management and Translation and Interpretation (long courses) can gain entry via a personal application file. Students’ existing knowledge is tested by a written entrance examination and an interview.
> BA en assurances
> BA en commerce extérieur
> BA en comptabilité
> BA en e-business
> BA en gestion des transports et logistique d'entreprise
> BA en informatique de gestion
> BA en marketing
> BA-AESI en sciences économiques et sciences économiques appliquées
Accès au master moyennant réussite d'une année préparatoire de max. 60 crédits Type court
> BA - ingénieur commercial - type long
> BA en gestion de l'entreprise - type long
> BA en gestion publique - type long
> BA en traduction et interprétation - type long
Après vérification de l'acquisition des matières prérequises, soit accès moyennant la réussite d'une année préparatoire de 60 crédits max, soit accès immédiat moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits max Type long

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Economics Management 
Applied Economics
Business Engineering
  On the file: direct access or access with additional training Content of the programme dependent on students’ prior studies and their specialisation needs   
Master in Economics (60)
Master in Management (60)
  On the file: direct access or access with additional training Content of the programme dependent on students’ prior studies and their specialisation needs   
All Masters With the minor in management and programme in line with general entry requirements   On the file: direct access or access with additional training -  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> MA - ingénieur commercial
> MA en gestion de l'entreprise
> MA en gestion publique
> MA en interprétation
> MA en sciences administratives
> MA en sciences agronomiques
> MA en sciences commerciales
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel (toutes finalités)
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel en agronomie
> MA en sciences industrielles (toutes finalités)
> MA en traduction
Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits max Type long

Entry to all Masters (with the exception of Advanced Masters) can be gained through the special procedure for accrediting prior learning and experience known as VAE (validation des acquis de l'expérience).

Professionals who wish to have basic training in management science should consult : Master in Management [60]
To see what management courses are available in the continuing education programme, please refer to : http://www.uclouvain.be/lsm-formation-continue
For entry to the Master through the VAE procedure, please refer to :  www.uclouvain.be/vae

Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

| 27/03/2012 |