Postal address :
Croix du Sud, 4-5
Bte L7.07.06
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
E-mail : Patrice Soumillion
Tel +32 10 47 30 75
Secretary +32 10 47 28 20
Fax +32 10 47 28 25
Location :
UCLouvain – LIBST
Carnoy Bldg (SC12)
Floor 02, room B.210
Campus Louvain-la-Neuve
Prof. Patrice Soumillion is active in the field of enzymology and directed evolution. His work is motivated by the desire to understand enzyme function and molecular evolution but also to develop new methods and strategies to improve our ability to investigate. He is author of over a hundred peer-reviewed manuscript and co-inventor of three patented applications. Prof Soumillion is actively involved several Marie Curie networks, such as ES-Cat and EVOdrops.