We are a research group based within the Biochemistry and Genetics of Microorganism (BGM) unit of the Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology. We are interested in better understanding the process of enzymatic and molecular evolution as well as developing new tools to harness evolution to technological ends.
On January 17th, 2022, Dr. Dorrazehi became the newest member of our team to successfully defend his PhD thesis. His thesis title is “The catalytic activity of a DD-peptidase impairs
Congratulation to Dr. Jason Chirakadavil! On August the 30th, he successfuly defended in front of a mixed remote and on-site audience. His thesis, “Deep mutational scanning of an alanine racemase
A lot of the work we do in the laboratory is trying to find better ways to do Directed Evolution. One of the thing we believe is that expressing libraries
The talented Emilie Gobbo took live sketchnote of Sebastian’s presentation for the MT180 contest. You can discover the result above. You can find the rest of Emilie’s work on facebook