PhD Info & Experience Sharing Event 2020

“A PhD thesis is only for those who have the greatest honours!” “Being a PhD student is not a real job, and the salary is nuts!” “Starting a PhD thesis only leads to academic jobs!”

… And what if all of these were FALSE? It is time to break the myths!

A new online edition of the “PhD Info & Experience Sharing Event” is coming in order to help master students understand the PhD career! Researchers from the ICTEAM, IMMC and IMCN institutes join forces to organize an information evening on the PhD! You will find below all information for the event, which is exceptionally held online!

When? Thursday, December 3rd 2020, in the evening.

Where? On your favourite platform, Teams!

Price? The info session is obviously free! Nonetheless, we suggest you plan your own drink to enjoy the evening!


  • 8pm to 8:15pm: Short presentation of the PhD in the Sector of Sciences and Technology (SST).
  • 8:15pm to 9:15pm (and possibly later): informal exchanges in small groups using separated Teams channels (options, fundings, …) in presence of PhD students from different research institutes linked to the EPL.

Whether you simply have questions, whether you are seriously considering the PhD or are just curious about it, do not falter any more and join us! For practical organization, could you please fill in the form below. Do not worry though: if you decide late or if your agenda is currently booked, you will still welcome at the last minute!