2024 IEEE/ICTEAM Best Master’s Thesis Award

Each year, the UCL IEEE Student Branch, composed of ICTEAM PhD students and supported by both the IEEE and the ICTEAM, organizes a contest for rewarding the best master’s theses in its fields of interest. The goals of the contest are twofold:

  • First, to reward outstanding works from both technical and presentation-wise perspectives. To this end, a jury of researchers reads the abstracts and watch the video of the participants. The three best candidates will receive a monetary reward.
  • Second, to recommend potential candidates for an international contest: the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest. IEEE’s Region 8 spans Europe, Africa and the Middle-East. We have had several successes at this Student Paper Contest, reaching the top 3 in previous years. More info can be found here.

For more information about the contest, please check the rules below. To register, please click on the button below.

Contest rules

1. Awards
A jury of researchers selects a first, second and third prize based on the abstract of the master’s thesis and a short video presenting their work (more details below).
A monetary reward of 500 EUR will be split amongst the three finalists (250/150/100), and an award certificate is granted to each finalist during the Louvain School of Engineering (EPL) graduation ceremony. The finalist most likely to succeed in the IEEE Region 8 SPC contest will be offered the opportunity to participate to SPC2025.

2. Eligibility
Students participating in the contest need to satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Their master’s thesis must be defended in June or August 2024 in the Université catholique de Louvain.
  2. They must be students of the Louvain School of Engineering (EPL).
  3. At least one of the members of the master’s thesis comity (advisers or jury) should be part of the ICTEAM. A list of all ICTEAM members is available at https://uclouvain.be/en/research-institutes/icteam/people.html . Nevertheless, if you believe your master’s thesis subject corresponds to the scope of the IEEE but no member of your comity belongs to the ICTEAM, feel free to contact us.

3. Process
To participate, students should register before July 1st, 2024 for students participating in the June session and before September 9th, 2024 for students participating in the August session. Students should note that two files have to be sent and submitted:

  1. The abstract of their master’s thesis. Students are asked to provide the abstract in English.
  2. A short video in English to present their work. The video can only display slides with the voice of the participant. The total duration of the video must be below 20 minutes. Teams can easily be used for the video. An easy alternative is also to add audio recordings directly on the PowerPoint (do not forget to save in a video format).

In case of any question or remark, you can send an email to tim.bary@uclouvain.be.