Study objectives
The programme of this first year aims at the acquisition
of basic knowledge in Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology,...) as well as at the same transversal skills to be acquired from
the bachelor's programmes in Biological, Chemical, Geographical and Bioengineering Sciences.

General presentation of the programme
The programme of the first quadrimester consists of
compulsory courses, in common with the students of the first year of
the bachelor's programmes in Biological, Chemical, Geographical and
Bioengineering Sciences. During the course of the first and/or second
quadrimester, the student will choose :
either at least 3
credits from
among the options offered during the first year of the
bachelor's in Biological, Chemical or Geographical Sciences
or a slightly more advanced course in Mathematics and Physics, without any additional options

Admission to the programme

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
Successful completion of this first year entitles
access, without the need for any complementary courses, to the 2nd year
of the bachelor's of Biological and Chemical Sciences and of
Bioengineering. The students who pass this first year of studies also
have access, without any complementary courses, to the second year
the bachelor's of Geographical Sciences, provided they have
followed the GEO1111 option. If this is not the
case, they will add this course to the programme of their second year
of studies.

Useful contacts
Programme management
CENB Conseil de l'enseignement en baccalauréat
Study Advisor
A. Lejeune
Exam Jury
President : Cl. Remacle
Secretary : A. Lejeune
