Study objectives
The programme of this first year aims at the acquisition
of basic knowledge in the Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology,...) as well as at the same transversal skills to be acquired from
the bachelor's in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical

Admission to the programme

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
Successful completion of this year of studies entitles :
Access to the 2nd year of the bachelor's of Biomedical Sciences, subject to the complement
of the SBIM1001 course in Mathematical Methods (22,5- 22,5), 4
Access to the 2nd year of the bachelor's of Pharmaceutical Science, subject to the
complement of the FARM1108 course in the Conception of Medication
(15-15), 3 credits

Useful contacts
Programme management
CENB Conseil de l'enseignement en baccalauréat
Study Advisor
A. Lejeune
Exam Jury
President : J.-Ph. Soumillion
Secretary : A. Lejeune
