Study objectives
A seminar on songs, on 19th century literature, a
course on lexicology, on the art of argumentative writing... these are but a
facets of the programme of Romance studies, which focuses primarily on
the French Language and Literature but which also covers Hispanic and
Italian domains. The
courses in Linguistics
develop the mastery of the French language, both
oral and written. The courses trace the development of the Romance
languages from their Latin origins onwards and explain how they function thanks to our present linguistic knowledge. In the
domain of literature,
the students acquire basic insight into different literary theories and
their application to be able to provide personal in-depth analysis of
ancient and modern texts. Learning Italian or Spanish is an integral
part of the programme right from the start.

The exams, both oral and written, aim at evaluating the
knowledge as well as the know-how and the communication skills of
the students. For some courses which focus on the development of
communication skills, it takes the form of intermediate evaluations spread
over the whole year.

Admission to the programme
Conditions of admission
The conditions and requirements for regular admission are specified on the web page "Acess to Studies".
Knowledge of
is required, but this can be acquired during the bachelor's studies and inititiated during the summer sessions.

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
The bachelor's degree gives direct access to the corresponding master's in French and Romance Languages and Literature.
Other programmes accessible upon completion of the programme
Provided he has followed a corresponding Minor and
fulfils any possible complemetary prerequisites, the Bachelor in
French and Romance Languages and Literature may have access to the
master's programme of Modern Languages and Literature and to the
master's of Modern and Ancient Languages and Literature
If he has followed an option (= Minor) in the domain
concerned or completed a complementary "bridging" year, the student may
also have access to other masters organised by the Faculty of Arts as
well as to a series of masters organised by other faculties, if he
meets the conditions and prerequisities determined by people in charge
of the organisation of the programmes in question.

Useful contacts
Programme management
ROM Département d'études romanes
Responsable académique : Francine Thyrion
Contact : Nathalie Coisman
Contact : Claire Detrixhe
Tél. 010474920 romanes@rom.ucl.ac.be
Study Advisor
Anne CASSART Tel. 010474857 cassart@sflt.ucl.ac.be
Exam Jury
President : Paul-Augustin DEPROOST
Secretary : Pierre PIRET
List of accessible minors
Minor in Theology
Minor in Philosophy
Minor in Law
Minor in Criminology
Minor in Information and Communication (*)
Minor in Political Sciences
Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
Minor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Economics (opening)
Minor in Business Studies
Minor in German Studies
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Hispanic Studies (*)
Minor in Italian Studies (*)
Minor in Latin Studies
Minor in Greek Studies
Minor in Oriental Studies
Minor in Literature Studies
Minor in History
Minor in Medieval Studies
Minor in the History of Art and Archeology (*)
Minor in Musicology
Minor in Psychology and Education (*)
Minor in Human Nutrition (*)
Minor in General Biomedical Sciences (*)
Minor in Clinical Biomedical Sciences(*)
Minor in Medication Sciences (*)
Minor in Physical Activity, Health and Culture of Movement (*)
Minor in Geography(*)
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Urban Architecture
Minor in Mathematics and Mathematical Applications
Minor in Scientific Culture
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Culture and Creation
Minor in European Studies
(*) Minor with access criteria.
