This workshop-based course introduces students without any acting experience to drama and gives students a first experience of directing, including running theatre workshops.

Main themes
After spending some time looking at the elements which make up theatre acting (the body, space, the text, partners, etc.) - the length of this period being determined to suit the group - the attention will be focused on discovering the various factors involved in directing, and theatrical practices based around training and education (alertness and openness, stimulating the imagination, approaches to work in progress, etc.).

Content and teaching methods
Content: Training in acting: body, voice, sensitivity, inventiveness, way of relating with space, partner and public. How to make sense of a written text and dramatise it. Participants will discover the various factors involved through practical exercises, by means of situations, topics and texts, both on-stage (from the viewpoint of the character) and back-stage (from the viewpoint of the producer-director).
Method: The training section is first of all run by the lecturer, and then by different students on different days. The text section is examined together, with each student taking a turn at directing.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This is a workshop. The main criterion of evaluation is the student's involvement in the work. The student's level of talent will have little bearing on the mark assigned.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en arts du spectacle
(2 credits)
