On completion of this seminar, the student will have gained:
- knowledge of the main tendencies in and elements of approaches to teaching French ;
- practical experience of observation of French classes and of meeting various people involved in teaching French.
- an aptitude for reflection on the issues involved in, and the different aspects of, a particular area of teaching French

Main themes
The research on teaching French covers three complementary subjects: the knowledge and skills involved in the subject of "French" (as prescribed by educational syllabi, as demonstrated in textbooks, and as it can be inferred from reference books), teaching practices, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills by pupils.
This seminar aims to introduce students to this field of research with a view to preparingtheir dissertations for the Master's. , The seminar will invite them to enquire, individually or in small groups, into an educational problem of their own choice, both from the point of view of the conception of the subject being taught and of teaching practice. To this end, participants will have to question, whether individually (on school visits) or collectively (by inviting some people involved in education to seminar meetings), a number of people who will be able to give them a general picture both of the diversity of situations and of the ways in which French is taught.
More particularly, the seminar could, depending on which year the student is in, examine the following issues:
- points of convergence and of difference between French as a mother tongue and as a first or second foreign language;
- the teaching and learning of reading and writing, both literary and non-literary;
- the teaching and learning of various kinds of speaking;
- the teaching and learning of literature;
- the teaching and learning of the different components of the language.

Content and teaching methods
This seminar aims to introduce students to research into the teaching of French. Taking as their starting point a question of their own choosing, it encourages them to study the ways in which the material to be taught is defined and to question different teachers about their actual practice.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Method of examination
Assessment will be based on individual pieces of work by students, who will demonstrate their capacity for in-depth analysis and their ability to clearly set out the information gathered in the course of personal investigations and the group discussions during the seminar.
Programmes proposing this activity:
- Baccalauréat en langues et littératures romanes (Bachelor's in Romance languages and literature) (3rd year)
- Baccalauréat en langues et littératures anciennes et modernes (Bachelor's in ancient and modern languages and literature) (3rd year)
- Baccalauréat en langues et littératures modernes (Bachelor's in modern languages and literature) (2nd or 3rd year)
ECTS value of activity
3 ECTS (about 75 hrs of actual work)

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes et anciennes
(3 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale
(3 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures françaises et romanes, orientation générale
(3 credits)
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