- to introduce the student to the pathological psychology of childhood and adolescence: description, understanding, therapeutic orientations and prevention.
- to sensitize to a bio-psycho-social approach of mental health, emphasizing the respective specificities of childhood and adolescence

Main themes
- the psychic consequences of the biological, familial and social evolutions
- the development of psychic disorders during childhood and the development during adolescence of specific psychic displays linked to modifications specific to this period
- the psychopathological displays specific to these life ages
- the pathology of the links and roles proper to these ages, particularly in the familial environment
- the consequences of these specificities on the methods of intervention

Content and teaching methods
- to introduce the student to the pathological psychology of childhood and adolescence: description, understanding, therapeutic orientations and prevention.
- to sensitize to a bio-psycho-social approach of mental health and mental illness in childhood and adolescence
This course is considered as "detailed questions" with regard to the basic teaching, more encyclopedic.
We go here deeper into the functioning of the personalities and of their environment. This description allows to be aware of the manner the teachers understand the human phenomenons and how to treat them.
For example, in the "childhood" part of the course, some of these themes could be tackled : early eating disorders, anguish, depression, normal and pathological sexuality in childhood, autism, school phobia, TOC, neurosis, addictive conducts in childhood.
In the "adolescent" part of the course: identity crisis, depression, anorexia, familial dysfunctioning,...

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures, reading portfolio, videos
Participation of clinicians

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Licence en criminologie
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Master en criminologie, à finalité spécialisée
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Other credits in programs
Première année du master en criminologie, à finalité spécialisée
(4.5 credits)
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Deuxième licence en criminologie
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Deuxième année du master en criminologie, à finalité spécialisée
(4.5 credits)
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Première licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique du développement et des apprentissages)
(4.5 credits)
Première licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie du développement et société)
(4.5 credits)
Première licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique : âges de la vie et systèmes humains)
(4.5 credits)
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Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie du développement et société)
(4.5 credits)
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Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique : âges de la vie et systèmes humains)
(4.5 credits)
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