- introduction to psychiatry: semeiology, bio-psycho-social comprehension, psychiatric clinic and treatments, including biological treatments. This introduction is adapted for students in human sciences with neurobiological dimension. Applications to various life ages in order to make a link between the various approaches: biological, psychical and social.

Main themes
- historical and epistemological introduction to the bio-psycho-social psychiatry.
- discussion of the syndrome and dimension approaches in psychiatry.
- psychiatric semeiology
- neurobiological bases in psychiatry ( genetics, receptors and neurotransmitters, chronobiology, electrophysiology, neuroendocrine tests, human pharmacology)
- nosography (infancy and other ages): description, scales, pathogeny (emphasising the biological dimension), treatments (idem). Particular emphasis on the organic mental disorders and the biological bases of the drug abuses.
- special psychiatry: suicides, legal psychiatry, post-partum, emergencies and attacks, therapies, indications and effects of psychotropic drugs and other drugs.

Content and teaching methods
Part 1 : general clinic: psycho-organic disorders, acquired psycho-organic disorders, mental handicap, psychopathological disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, neurotic and anxious disorders, personality disorders, behaviour disorders, drug abuses, nutriotional disorders, sexual disorders, psychosomatic disorders.
Part 2 : Special questions : suicide and attempt of suicide, unvoluntary refinement, psychopathologic disorders of perinatal period, psychotherapies. Reminder of the major psychiatric drugs.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures, clinical examples (video), course outline

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation (majeure en sciences psychologiques)
(2.5 credits)
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