The seminar of internships coaching and integration is a privileged interface which aims at allowing students to have a reflective look on their teaching practice :
to confront their mutual experiences and to have a critical insight towards their observations and achievements in the scholar field, as well as their experience as a teacher ;
to use conceptual frames of reference and analysis grids in order to get a new look at their teaching practice (in its complexity) and to improve its efficiency ;
to learn methods aiming at analysing experienced educational situations in order to transpose them for future practice;
to bear in mind their professional development all along their cursus.
These objectives mainly reflect the competences 1 and 13 of the official standards.

Main themes
Students will take part in five 3-hour sessions in small groups, preferably during their second or third internship period:
A/Two successive sessions focusing on the " Analysis of critical incidents " (each student will analyse in detail one situation he/she experienced during the internship period)
B/Three independent thematic workgroups (3hours each) focusing on chosen topics [For example : how to manage the unexpected ; intercultural work ; the teaching body ; to supervising students in training (in qualifier education) ; defining one's own vocational project and to elaborating a curriculum vitae
Moreover, the " project " training period (6h duration) will be carried out in the line of the vocational project defined by the students. A reflection on the meaning and contributions of this training period will be included in the report of the seminar of internships coaching and integration.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
To take part in the seminar workgroups, students need to have carried out at least their first teaching training period, and preferably have already started their second or third one.
In order to obtain the 2 credits for this formation unit, students are required to take part effectively to the activities (15 h. seminar; 6 h. " project " training period ) and hand in a reflexive report wherein they analyse (1) their cursus of formation and (2) a critical incident. A link with the training files realised during the training period will be particularly valued.
The attendance to the 5 sessions is certified by the signature of the seminar trainers in the seminar note-book.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences psychologiques et sciences de l'éducation)
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Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences psychologiques et sciences de l'éducation)
