- to introduce the students, in general to the labour world, and in particular to the man's abilities to take into account the work organisation.
- To present the basic knowledge, the various themes and the principal conditions to manage successfully an improvement of the work conditions.

Main themes
a) definition of the notion of work through an approach of the man-machine-environment system;
b) cognitive functioning of the human operator: information recording and processing; decision making in risky situations;
c) work organisational theories: motivation; satisfaction; relations; communications; authorities and hierarchy;
d) training: training and qualification; determinants of training actions;
e) man and technologies: psychological aspects of the computerised and automatic labour, evolution of the contents of the work;
f) security: human and technical reliability; evolution of the conceptions concerning the prevention of industrial accidents.

Content and teaching methods
- to introduce the students to the problems met in the labour world;
- to define human labour and the roles of work psychology;
- to describe the evolution of work psychology;
- to present the aims of work psychology, namely painfulness and workload, stress and welfare, prevention of industrial accidents, man at work and evolution of the technologies, constraints of the worktime, relationships between the life at work and out of work;
- to define the levels of intervention of work psychology.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course is based on the narrow links between psychological theories and the practice of applied psychology.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation
(3 credits)
