- to introduce students to the classification and to the semeiology of language disorders (neurolinguistics) and to the semeiology of the cognitive disorders resulting from acquired cerebral impairments. A cognitive analysis of the disorders will be emphasised during the course in order to make their interpretation in terms of psychological mechanisms possible.

Main themes
Clinical presentation of the main aphasic and relevant neuropsychological syndromes : amnesias, apraxias, agnosias as well as more specific syndromes (frontal syndromes, ...)
Introduction to the cognitive analysis of the language disorders going beyond the semeiology to identify of the psychological mechanisms whose alteration is responsible for the observable disorders.

Content and teaching methods
Clinical presentation of the main aphasic and relevant neuropsychological syndromes : amnesias, apraxias, agnosias and of more specific syndromes (frontal syndromes, ...)
Introduction to the cognitive analysis of the language disorders going beyond the semeiology to identify of the psychological mechanisms whose alteration is responsible for the observable disorders.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures with presentations of audiovisual documents (slides, films, video) and practical teaching (orthophony exercices and clinic). A course outline is proposed to the students.

Programmes in which this activity is taught

Other credits in programs
Première licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB)
(4 credits)
Licence en sciences psychologiques
(3 credits)
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