At the end of the course, the successful student will be able to apply and adapt basic didactic principles in the context of rehabilitation training and adapted physical activities. He/she will be able to identify the principle characteristics of target populations (persons with motor, sensory, intellectual, physiological or psychological disabilities) as well as the theoretical principles underlying and justifying his/her intervention. He/she will possess a strong personal background so as to be able to adapt various activities to the concerned populations.

Main themes
Theory - first 4 weeks of second quadrimester
1. Basic didactic principles and adaptations of physical activities (5-0)
2. Study of target populations: specific characteristics (psychomotor, physiological and psycho-affective) and didactic aspects (10-0)
Practical - throughout the second quadrimester:
3. Application of didactic principles to target populations via practical trainings and "intra-muros" practical sessions prepared by the students on various topics (0-30)

Content and teaching methods
Will be completed by the titular professor when the courses will be attributed

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requisite Psychomotor skills, physiotherapy courses, general pathology course
Evaluation Written or oral examination, continuous evaluation, personal work
Support Reference books & course slides
Supervision Titular professor, technical advisors and/or assistants, possibly aided by student assistants
