At the end of this seminar, the student will have understood the status, the contents and the stakes of the teaching programmes. He will have done a critical reading of the latter, by measuring the implications for the definition of the objectives and the implementation of the pedagogical methods.
He will have practised construing original sequences of instruction, adapted to the different degrees of Secondary school and the spirit of the programmes, and with the aim of reaching the objectives set for the pupils.

Main themes
The programmes are put into perspective in the context of the " Missions " decree and following the definition in terms of networks of the " final competencies and knowledge required in Latin and Greek ".
Special questions concerning the objectives and priorities put forward in the programmes, the recommended contents and their balance, the suggested methodology and their variety, as well as the types of evaluation. The six classes of Secondary school will be taken into consideration as well as the specific character of each degree, in particular that of the first degree after the reform: certification by degree, continuous assessment, transversal and disciplinary competencies. Analysis of handbooks, particularly in French, and their conformity to the objectives and methods described in the programmes of the " Free " education in the French-speaking Community of Belgium. Focus on the skills-centred approach and learning by situations and problems.
Planning of a school-year.
15 hours of seminars, organised in groups of 20 students.

Content and teaching methods
The programmes are put into perspective in the context of the " Missions " decree and following the definition in terms of networks of the " final competencies and knowledge required in Latin and Greek ".
Special questions concerning the objectives and priorities put forward in the programmes, the recommended contents and their balance, the suggested methodology and their variety, as well as the types of evaluation. The six classes of Secondary school will be taken into consideration as well as the specific character of each degree, in particular that of the first degree after the reform: certification by degree, continuous assessment, transversal and disciplinary competencies. Analysis of handbooks, particularly in French, and their conformity to the objectives and methods described in the programmes of the " Free " education in the French-speaking Community of Belgium. Focus on the skills-centred approach and learning by situations and problems.
Planning of a school-year.
15 hours of seminars, organised in groups of 20 students.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Assessment method: written paper followed by an oral interview.
There are no conditions of admission.
The teacher can call on a school councillor and an inspector of the " Free " education.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
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Certificat universitaire en langue, littérature et civilisation latines
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Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (langues et littératures anciennes - modernes et anciennes - arts du spectacle)
(3 credits)
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