To look further into the knowledge and the comprehension of a balanced body operation and to learn how to manage its human resources, in the relation with oneself, others and constraints of the environment. To acquire an attitude optimized in its driving, tactical and emotional components, vis-a-vis unforeseeable situations of opposition and aggression.

Main themes
- Various approaches of the flexibility and its education. - Attitudes and services driving or intellectual. - Stress and reequilibration of the organization. - In response to situations of opposition varied, management of the emotions and experimentation of adequate tactical choices: dodge, force of resistance, controls imbalances, agility in the falls and the jumps.

Content and teaching methods
Physical activity and stress
Intensive sport and overtraining in childhood
Physical activity for health adherence, the role of the school
Student's health : the role of physical activity
Physical activity and nature
Physical activity for older adults
Hand-to-hand combat games

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
No. of students by group: maximum 20 Nature and vol. of the framing: holder + tallies external (15 hours)

Other credits in programs
Première licence en éducation physique
(3.5 credits)
