1.1. To study didactic physical education under the angle of secondary education. 1.2. To develop competences in connection with the observation, the design, the development, animation, the evaluation and the programming of situations of trainings. 1.3. To analyze the processes of design, writing, diffusion and establishment of the programs of physical education, in bond with the initial formation and continues teachers. 1.4. To analyze contents of programs and representative accompanying documents. 1.5. To learn how to transpose and communicate the savoirs suitable for education by the movement.

Main themes
. Analyze variables of context specific to the school field which roentent the choice of the methods of teaching and influence the processes of training in physical education. 2. Highlighted of the specific approach of school physical education by distinguishing it from the cultural disciplines which influence it. 3. Study of the place of motricity at the school and the transverse role played by physical education in its development. 4. Development of specific competences related to the organization of the matter: the definition of the objectives of training, development of justifying educational situations, the teaching of the tasks, co-operation and creativity in the animation of the meeting, the factors of organization (time, material, group), the construction of a block with topic, the programming per year and cycle, the teaching innovation. Experimentation in educational circle. 5. Analyze bonds between the savoirs of erudite experiment and the savoirs propores with the disciplines and control of the tools of communication referring itself to it.

Content and teaching methods
This course aims at sensitizing the students with the problems of teaching. It tackles the principal questions of didactic from the point of view of the teacher which teaches and the pupil which learns. It is based on the pedagogy of the motivations. Because it aims at making acquire basic competences of the trade, it proposes an alternation between theoretical reflexion, experimentation in training course and analyzes practices.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Theoretical and practical work, oral examination with presentation of a portfolio.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (éducation physique)
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Other credits in programs
Première licence en éducation physique
(3 credits)
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (éducation physique)
(3 credits)
