Understanding and mastering the basic concepts governing financial law: public issues, financial markets, financial intermediaries, financial instruments, transactions, investor protection, equal treatment of shareholders, etc.
Ability to apply the legal rules covered during the course to concrete cases.
Ability to establish links between the economic and financial sector and the legal domain.
Ability to assess the impact of European law on financial matters.

Main themes
Once the subject matter studied has been placed in the European and Belgian legal contexts, the course looks closely at the following topics :
a) public issue
b) financial instruments and intermediaries
c) public acquisition bids and acquisition of control of public companies
d) specific rulings for Belgian companies whose financial instruments are defined during negotiations in a market governed by Belgian regulations (shareholder transparency, requirement to provide specific information, IFRS, etc.
e) investment services provision.
The course is conducted via lectures, which does not exclude the possibility of students asking questions during the course or addressing them to the professor. Student participation is welcome.
