Aimed at describing man's anatomy in an in-depth and topographic way, this second course module on anatomy is specifically destined for future doctors. Region by region, it summarises all the structures gathered together within a specific topographic site and describes in detail their form, their functions and their cardinal connections. These different points are envisaged in such a way as to provide the students with all the anatomic bases indispensable for : locating, in a precise way, all the structures affected by the most common pathologies within the region being analysed ; understanding the spatial and functional inter-relations uniting these structures and governing the natural evolution of diseases ; acquiring a deductive awareness of medical, surgical and radiological semiology linked to each one of the regions and functional structures envisaged.

Main themes
- Each region of the body will be approached in a systematic way, putting back in place all the anatomical structures, from the tegumentary surface working towards the skeletal depth, the general systemic organisation of which was presented in the General Anatomy course BAC1 (MD 1007)
- The finely structured elements and their important connections will then be further detailed in order to illustrate their clinical, semiological, radiological or surgical importance. - The focus of the descriptions is placed on the pertinent morphological and morphogenetic details indispensable for the understanding of the functioning of a healthy body and hence the disfunctioning in the disease. An intuitive and deductive approach is strongly encouraged. Whilst learning about the normal morphological determinants indispensable for a function to be carried out, the student is encouraged to construct for himself a mental image of each region of the body, as well as a data-base of knowledge which will help him to read signs and symptoms.

Content and teaching methods
-Head and neck
-Upper members
-Lower members
-Abdomen and pelvis
-Central nervous system

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites. General and Functional Anatomy (MD 1007). Evaluation. Oral exam with written preparation. Course support. - Lectures ; - Syllabi and references ; - Examination of a dissected body for practical work ; - Examination of plastic parts of the body in the Anatomy museum ; Other supports : power point - atlas - CD-roms - recommended web-sites.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en médecine
(12 credits)
Troisième candidature en médecine
(12 credits)
