MUSICS: Graduate School on MUltimedia, SIlicon, Communications, Security : Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Graduate School on MUltimedia, SIlicon, Communications, Security: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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Polarization Shift Keying over Satellite


Talk by Ing. Lionel Arend (SES, Luxembourg)


Polarization Shift Keying is a modulation technique that, instead of phase or amplitude, uses an electromagnetic wave’s state of polarization to convey information. It was initially developed for optical fibre communications to allow multilevel signalling in an incoherent channel. Due to similar propagation conditions, the technology should be realizable in a free-space radio-frequency channel as well. Therefore its applicability to satellite communication systems was investigated in a research project, partnered by the University of Luxembourg and the satellite operator SES. The seminar will providesa short introduction into Polarization Shift Keying and show the implementation of a special demonstrator modem. Measurement results from experiments with the demonstrator on a transponder simulator and in a real satellite transmission will be presented and compared to the polarization diversity multiplex currently used in satellite communications.


Lionel Arend has received his engineering degree from the Technical University in Munich in 2011, and since February 2012 worked on a research project within SES on signalling techniques combing both polarizations. He will defend his doctoral thesis in April 2015 at the University of Luxembourg.

Venue :

April 20th, 10:30-11:30, Nyquist Room - A164, Maxwell Building (1st floor), Place du Levant nr 3, Louvain-la-Neuve

Page last modified on May 29, 2015, at 04:54 PM