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Documents de travail


Olivier De Schutter, Growth, degrowth, and poverty reduction, Cridho Working papers series 2025-1


Jérôme Vanstalle, La protection des droits fondamentaux des travailleurs du transport routier de marchandises dans l’Union européenne : analyse du droit dérivé de l’Union (2004-2023), Cridho Working papers series 2023-5
Olivier De Schutter, Kate Pickett, Richard Wilkinson, Equality as an ingredient for a post-growth world , Cridho Working papers series 2023-4
Julie Ringelheim, Isabelle Rorive and Véronique van der Plancke, The Use of Situation Testing as Evidence of Discrimination and the Right to a Fair Trial. Amicus Brief submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in SEJAC v. France., Cridho Working papers series 2023-3
Stéphanie Wattier and Geoffrey Willems, The US Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson:A step backward for constitutional law and women’s rights, Cridho Working papers series 2023-2
Julie Ringelheim and Sarah Ganty, Anti-discrimination Law and Economic Inequality, Cridho Working papers series 2023-1


Julie Ringelheim, Le droit à la non-discrimination dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme : 55 ans d’évolution, Cridho Working papers series 2022-9
Julie Ringelheim, Le droit à la non-discrimination en tant que droit autonome : l’application du Protocole nr 12 par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, Cridho Working papers series 2022-8
De Schutter, O., Combating discrimination on grounds of socio-economic disadvantage: A tool in the fight against poverty, Cridho Working papers series 2022-7
Julie Ringelheim and Stijn Smet, Secularism and State Neutrality in Constitutional Adjudication: A Comparative Analysis of Belgium, Germany and France , Cridho Working papers series 2022-6
Jean-François Neven, Julie Ringelheim et Véronique van der Plancke, Les tests de situation et la méthode du client-mystère comme outils de détection et de preuve des discriminations , Cridho Working papers series 2022-5
Isabelle Hachez, Jean-François Neven et Julie Ringelheim, L’action positive en droit belge : au coeur du principe d’égalité. Etat des lieux, limites et perspectives sur le marché de l’emploi, Cridho Working papers series 2022-4
De Schutter, O., The European Pillar of Social Rights: Transforming Promises into Reality, Cridho Working papers series 2022-3
De Schutter, O., A human rights-based approach to measuring poverty, Cridho Working papers series 2022-2
De Schutter, O., Quinot, G. and Swensson, L.F.J., Public food procurement as a development tool: The role of the regulatory framework, Cridho Working papers series 2022-1


De Schutter, O., Réussir la transition écologique en luttant contre la pauvreté : la relance durable et juste comme un espace à quatre dimensions, Cridho Working papers series 2021/6
Petel, Matthias, Droits humains et contentieux climatique : une alliance prometteuse contre l’inertie politique, Cridho Working papers series 2021/5
De Schutter, O., Penser la place du revenu de base universel dans l'Etat social, Cridho Working papers series 2021/4
De Schutter, O., Lusiani, N.J., Chaparro, S., Re-Righting the International Tax Rules: Operationalising human rights in the struggle to tax multinational companies , Cridho Working papers series 2021/3
De Schutter, O., Dubler, N., Fernandez-Wulff, P. and Sosa , A., The IMF’s role in social protection: Promising policy shifts and persisting challenges, Cridho Working papers series 2021/2
De Schutter, O., Petel, M., Detroux, A. and Osinski, A., "Building Back Better": Social Justice in the Green Economy, Cridho Working papers series 2021/1


De Schutter, Olivier and Dedeurwaerdere, Tom, Vers un Etat partenaire. Soutenir les innovations sociales citoyennes pour une transition juste, Cridho Working papers series 2020/6
Van den Broeck, Emilie, Le rôle des INDH dans la lutte contre l’impunité des sociétés transnationales pour les atteintes aux droits humains, Cridho Working papers series 2020/5
Ringelheim, Julie and van der Plancke, Véronique, Contentieux stratégique et mobilisations judiciaires. L’action en justice comme forme de participation politique ?, Cridho Working papers series 2020/4
Vermeylen, Margot and De Schutter, Olivier, The share of agroecology in Belgian official development assistance: an opportunity missed, Cridho Working papers series 2020/3
Ringelheim, Julie, Redécouvrir le droit de l’égalité : condition nécessaire d’une prospérité sans croissance ? , Cridho Working papers series 2020/2
De Schutter, Olivier, Changements climatiques et droits humains : l'affaire Urgenda, Cridho Working papers series 2020/1


Ringelheim, Julie, The Burden of Proof in Anti-discrimination Proceedings. A Focus on Belgium, France and Ireland. , Cridho Working papers series 2019/5
Willems, Geoffrey, Private and Family life through the Lens of Human Rights: A Comparative Analysis of the United States Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights Case-Laws , Cridho Working papers series 2019/4
Osinski, Agathe and Peuch, Jonathan, Governing the Transformation of Regional Food Systems: the Case of the Walloon Participatory Process , Cridho Working papers series 2019/3
Kangila Kamesa, Rachel, Violations des droits humains dues aux délocalisations des populations dans les sites d’exploitation minière en République Démocratique du Congo , Cridho Working papers series 2019/2
Allard, Marie-Pascale, La destruction du patrimoine culturel en cas de conflit armé. Existe-t-il un crime contre la culture en droit international pénal , Cridho Working papers series 2019/1


De Schutter, Olivier, A Duty to Negotiate in Good Faith as Part of the Duty to Cooperate to Establish 'An International Legal Order in which Human Rights can be Fully Realized': the New Frontier of the Right to Development , Cridho Working papers series 2018/5
De Schutter, Olivier, The Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Social Rights Charter, Cridho Working papers series 2018//4
De Schutter, Olivier, The EU Fundamental Rights Agency: Its Past and Possible Future, Cridho Working papers series 2018/3
De Schutter, Olivier, From Eroding to Enabling the Commons:The Dual Movement in International Law, Cridho Working papers series 2018/1
De Schutter, Olivier, La fiscalité au service de la réalisation des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, Cridho Working papers series 2018/2


Ringelheim, Julie, State religious neutrality as a common European standard? Re-appraising the European court of human rights approach , Cridho Working papers series 2017/8
Peuch, Jonathan, L'obèse invisible dans la construction des politiques publiques au niveau de l'OMS, Cridho Working papers series 2017/7
De Schutter, Olivier, The Formation of a Common Law of Human Rights, Cridho Working papers series 2017/6
De Schutter, Olivier, Foreign Debt and the Right to Food , Cridho Working papers series 2017/5
Anthes, Carolin and De Schutter, Olivier, The FAO as a Human Rights Organization: Advancing the Right to Food to Promote Public Health, Cridho Working papers series 2017/4
Ringelheim, Julie, The Rise of Cultural Rights in International Human Rights Law, Cridho Working papers series 2017/3
De Schutter, Olivier, Taxing for the realization of economic, social and cultural rights., Cridho Working papers series 2017/1


De Schutter, Olivier and Dermine, Paul, The Two Constitutions of Europe:Integrating Social Rights in the New Economic Architecture of the Union, Cridho Working papers series 2016/2
De Schutter, Olivier, La Charte sociale européenne par temps de crise, Cridho Working papers series 2016/1


De Schutter, Olivier, Generalized Systems of Preferences: A Tool to Ensure Linkage between Access to Markets and Sustainable Development, Cridho Working papers series 2015/3
De Schutter, Olivier, Towards a Legally Binding Instrument on Business and Human Rights, Cridho Working papers series 2015/2
De Schutter, Olivier, The Role of Property Rights in the Debate on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Cridho Working papers series 2015/1


Ringelheim, Julie, Du voile au crucifix : la neutralité de l'État dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, Cridho Working papers series 2014/1


De Schutter, Olivier, The Reform of the Committee on World Food Security: The Quest for Coherence in Global Governance, Cridho Working papers series 2013/8
De Schutter, Olivier, Corporations and Positive Duties in the Area of Economic and Social Rights, Cridho Working papers series 2013/7
De Schutter, Olivier, The Two Lives of Bosphorus: Redefining the Relationships between the European Court of Human Rights and the Parties to the Convention -- Les deux vies de Bosphorus: la redéfinition des rapports entre la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme et les Parties à la Convention, Cridho Working papers series 2013/6
Ringelheim, Julie, Adapter l'entreprise àla diversité des travailleurs : la portée transformatrice de la non-discrimination., Cridho Working papers series 2013/5
Ringelheim, Julie, Between Identity Transmission and Equal Opportunities. The Two Dimensions of Minorities' Right to Education, Cridho Working papers series 2013/4
De Schutter, Olivier, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Human Rights : An Introduction, Cridho Working papers series 2013/2
De Schutter, Olivier, The Implementation of the Charter by the Institutions of the European Union, Cridho Working papers series 2013/1


De Schutter, Olivier, Transborder Provision of Services and Social Dumping : Rights-based Mutual Trust in the Establishment of the Internal Market, Cridho Working papers series 2012/5
De Schutter, Olivier; Wouters, Jan; Swinnen, Jo, Introduction : Liberalization of Investment and Human Development, Cridho Working papers series 2012/4
De Schutter, Olivier, Human Rights in Employment Relationships: Contracts as Power, Cridho Working papers series 2012/3
De Schutter, Olivier, Competing for standards in global food supply chains, Cridho Working papers series 2012/2
De Schutter, Olivier, Monitoring International Investment at the National Level, Cridho Working papers series 2012/1


De Schutter, Olivier, The Right of Everyone to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and the Right to Food: From Conflict to Complementarity, Cridho Working papers series 2011/5
Sant'Ana, Matthias, Development in International Law: Conflict of Rhetoric and Norms, Cridho Working papers series 2011/4
Debucquois, Claire, Le processus de Kimberley de certification des diamants bruts: un modèle pour le commerce des ressources naturelles?, Cridho Working papers series 2011/3
Kyriakou, Nikola, Enforced Disappearances in Cyprus: Problems and Prospects of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights, Cridho Working papers series 2011/1


De Schutter, Olivier, Sovereignty-plus in the Era of Interdependence : Towards an International Convention on Combating Human Rights Violations by Transnational Corporations, Cridho Working papers series 2010/5
De Schutter, Olivier, Human Rights and the Rise of International Organizations: The Logic of Sliding Scales in the Law of International Responsibility, Cridho Working papers series 2010/4
Ringelheim, Julie, L'identité culturelle à l'épreuve du droit international des droits de l'homme, Cridho Working papers series 2010/3
Ganesh, Aravind , The Right to Food and Buyer Power, Cridho Working papers series 2010/2
Ganesh, Aravind, Insulating the Constitution: Yong Vui Kong V Public Prosecutor [2010] SGCA 20, Cridho Working papers series 2010/1


Moreno Lax, Violeta, Must EU Borders Have Doors for Refugees? On the Compatibility of Schengen Visas with EU Member States' Obligations to Provide International Protection to Refugees, Cridho Working papers series 2008/3
Ringelheim, Julie, L'Europe en quête d'égalité : Genèse de la première directive prohibant la discrimination raciale et ethnique, Cridho Working papers series 2008/2


Opromolla, Adriana, Enhancing Labour Rights in a Globalised World: a Comparative Transatlantic Perspective, Cridho Working papers series 2007/4
van der Plancke, Véronique et Van Leuven, Nathalie, La privatisation du respect de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme : faut-il reconnaître un effet horizontal généralisé ?, Cridho Working papers series 2007/3
Willems, Goeffrey, Droits de l'homme et libre-échange : le cas mexicain, Cridho Working papers series 2007/2


De Schutter, Olivier, La contribution de la Charte sociale européenne au développement du droit de l'Union européenne., Cridho Working papers series 2006/10. This report, prepared for the colloquium organized by the secretariat of the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe for the tenth anniversary of the Revised European Social Charter, examines the impact of the European Social Charter on the building of Social Europe within the European Community, and concludes by emphasizing the need to reinforce the reference made by the Community to that instrument. Ce rapport, préparé pour le colloque organisé par le secrétariat de la Charte sociale européenne du Conseil de l'Europe à l'occasion du dixième anniversaire de la Charte sociale européenne révisée, examine l'impact de la Charte sociale européenne sur la construction de l'Europe sociale communautaire, et conclut à la nécessité de renforcer la référence de la Communauté à cet instrument.
Hennebel, Ludovic, L'affaire Total - Unocal en Birmanie jugée en Europe et aux Etats-Unis., Cridho Working papers series 2006/9
Huberlant, Marie, Défis d'une gestion éthique et équitable des flux migratoires dans le contexte de la mondialisation, Cridho Working papers series 2006/8
De Schutter, Olivier and Van Goethem, Valérie, The Fundamental Rights Agency : Towards an active Fundamental Rights Policy of the Union., Cridho Working papers series 2006/7
Ghilain, Magali, L'accès à des médicaments abordables: Après Doha, la réalité des ADPIC à travers l'accord de libre-échange Etats-Unis - Maroc., Cridho Working papers series 2006/6
De Schutter, Olivier, The role of national human rights institutions in human rights proofing of legislation., Cridho Working papers series 2006/5
Guthmann, Claudio et Tournon, Genoveva, Le phénomène des entreprises récupérées par leurs anciens employés en Argentine, Cridho Working papers series 2006/4
Jacquemin, Ode, La conditionnalité démocratique de l'Union européenne. Une voie pour l'universalisation des droits de l'Homme? Mise en oeuvre, critiques et bilan., Cridho Working papers series 2006/3
De Schutter, Olivier et De Béco, Gauthier, La contribution de la protection juridictionnelle provisoire devant le juge national à la prévention de la violation de la Convention européenne des droits de l'Homme., Cridho Working papers series 2006/2
De Schutter, Olivier, The Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities and the Law of the European Union., Cridho Working papers series 2006/1


Ringelheim, Julie, Integrating Cultural Concerns in the Interpretation of General Individual Rights. Lessons from the International Human Rights Case Law., Cridho Working papers series 2005/9
De Schutter, Olivier, La protection juridictionnelle provisoire dans le droit de l'Union européenne et les droits fondamentaux., Cridho Working papers series 2005/8
De Schutter, Olivier, L'influence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme sur la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes., Cridho Working papers series 2005/7
De Schutter, Olivier, La contribution du contrôle juridictionnel à la confiance mutuelle, Cridho Working papers series 2005/6
De Schutter, Olivier, L'incrimination universelle de la violation des droits sociaux fondamentaux, Cridho Working papers series 2005/5
De Schutter, Olivier, Globalization and Jurisdiction : Lessons from the European Convention on Human Rights, Cridho Working papers series 2005/4
De Schutter, Olivier, Le protocole facultatif au Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, Cridho Working papers series 2005/3
De Schutter, Olivier et Bocadoro, Natalie, Le droit au logement dans l'Union européenne, Cridho Working paper series 2005/2
De Schutter, Olivier et Ringelheim, Julie, La renonciation aux droits fondamentaux. La libre disposition du soi et le règne de l'échange, Cridho Working paper series 2005/1