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The CRIDHO has developed important links with a number of research centres and institutes throughout Europe, including links which were facilitated by the setting up of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights coordinated by professor De Schutter. As a research cell of the Centre for Philosophy of Law specialized in fundamental rights, the CRIDHO has also developed links with the Centre for Business Research (Cambridge University), the Institut international de Paris-La Défense, as well as the Central European University (Budapest), in the framework of a programme on Democratic Governance funded by the European Community under the 5th Framework Programmes in Research and Development (HPSE-CT-2002-50023-Democratic Governance) (view the introduction to the resulting volume).

The CRIDHO is also supported by the Belgian Science Policy Department research programme ‘Inter University Attraction Pole’ (P.A.I./I.A.P. V-23, Theory of the Norm and Democratic Governance) financing the Centre for Philosophy of Law (CPDR/UCL) for the period 2002-2007. Two partners of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Institute for International Law (Prof. J. Wouters) anf the Licos Centre for Transitional Economies (Prof. J. Swinnen) joined in this programme, which has extende to the question of the relationships between Direct Foreign Investments and Human Rights (see the description of the project). In 2005-2009, the CPDR coordinates a collective research financed under the 6th EC Framework Programme on Research and Development, which will develops the hypothesis of reflexive governance and examine its implications in a number of fields. The CRIDHO coordinates a sub-network which will focus more specifically on the link between fundamental rights and theories of governance, taking the hypothesis of reflexive governance as its departure point. The partners of the CRIDHO in this enterprise are the Europa Institute, Univ. Leiden; the European University Institute at Florence; the Centre for Business Research, Univ. of Cambridge; the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte (BIM), Vienna; and the Institute for European Studies of the Free University of Brussels (VUB) (see description of the research project).

For further information on the research partners and the membership of institutional networks, consult the website of the CPDR.