EU Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights
The Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights (CFR-CDF) was created by the European Commission in response to a recommendation in the European Parliament's report on the state of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2000 (2000/2231(INI)). [presentation]
The EU Network of independent experts took the initiative of preparing a Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in its original version as proclaimed at the Nice European Council of December 2000. The main purpose of this commentary is to provide practical guidance to the Union institutions, as well as to the national authorities when they implement Union law, in order to facilitate compliance with the requirements of the Charter. The references to the case-law have been updated until 2005, although some references have been made to more recent case-law. The Commentary was finalized in June 2006. [Final commentary]
For a more complete description of the activities of the Network and of its reports and opinions, the reader is referred to the relevant section of the website of DG Justice, Freedom and Security of the European Commission.
Reports and Opinions on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union and the Member States
- In 2006, see details
- In 2005, see details
- In 2004, see details
- In 2003, see details
- In 2002, see details