in 2005
General Reports
- Report on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2005
- Synthesis Report : Conclusions and recommendations on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union and its Member States in 2005
- Thematic Comment n°4 : Implementating the Rights of the Child in the European Union
- The Participation of EU citizens in the political parties of the Member State of residence
- The situation of homosexuals in Slovenia
- The requirements of fundamental rights in the framework of the measures of prevention of violent radicalisation and recruitment of potential terrorists
- The right to conscientious objection and the conclusion by EU Member States of concordats with the Holy See
- Combating racism and xenophobia through criminal legislation: The situation in the E.U. member States
- Executive Summary
Country reports (Situation of fundamental rights in the Member States in 2005)
- Austria (English)
- Belgium (French)
- Cyprus (English)
- Czech Republic (English)
- Denmark (English)
- Estonia (English)
- Finland (English)
- France (French)
- Germany (English)
- Greece (French)
- Hungary (English)
- Ireland (English)
- Italy (French)
- Latvia (English)
- Lithuania (English)
- Luxembourg (French)
- Malta (English)
- Netherlands (English)
- Poland (English)
- Portugal (English)
- Slovak Republic (English)
- Slovenia (English)
- Spain (French)
- Sweden (English)
- United Kingdom (English)