Dans le cadre de la série de conférences TNT (Third Numerical [Digital] Thursday), nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer le premier événement.
Madame la professeure Els Lefever (Université de Gand) donnera une conférence sur
« Cyberbullying Detection, Irony Detection, & Opinion Mining in Distributional and Deep Semantic Text Analysis »
le 5 mars de 15h00 à 16h00 dans la Salle du Conseil – Collège Erasme.
Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer,
L’équipe de la Chaire Altissia en Cultures et Éthique du Numérique
Prof. Els Lefever is an assistant professor on the Language and Translation Technology Team (LT3) at Ghent University. She started her career as a computational linguist at the R&D-department of Lernout & Hauspie Speech products. She holds a PhD in computer science from Ghent University on ParaSense: Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation (2012).
She has a strong expertise in machine learning of natural language and multilingual natural language processing, with a special interest in computational semantics, cross-lingual word sense disambiguation, and multilingual terminology extraction.
She supervises PhDs on terminology extraction from comparable corpora, sentiment mining of financial news, terminological ambiguity in cross-disciplinary contexts, argumentation mining in social media and the automatic detection of cyberbullying in online text.
She teaches Terminology and Translation Technology, Language Technology and Digital Humanities courses, and serves as co-director of the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities.