Schematic internal structure

Other nuclei

Other tracts

  • Solitary tract 
    Fibres from the intermediate nerve (part of facial nerve VII), glossopharyngeal (XI) and vagus (X) nerves
  • Medial longitudinal fasciculus
    Association tract of motor nuclei
    Links the motor nuclei of cranial nerves, the vestibular apparatus to the oculomotor and cervical nerves and the extrapyramidal system. This is how the muscle groups coordinate.
  • Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
    Association tract of parasympathetic nuclei
    →Autonomic motricity
  • Spinal lemniscus
    Group of tracts in prolongation of the spinal cord. Contains, in particular, the lateral and anterior spinothalamic tracts

Reticular formation

  • Medial (o)
  • Lateral (+)