Pia mater

  • Deepest layer of the leptomeninx
  • Innermost layer of meninges
  • Thin and highly vascularized membrane
  • Cranial pia mater:
    Adheres to the surface of the central nervous system, closely following its contours
  • Spinal pia mater:
    Adheres to the surface of the central nervous system, closely following its contours, right up the spinal nerve roots

Cranial pia mater

  • Firmly adheres to the cranial contents
  • Follows nervous tissue surfaces right down into the sulci

Spinal pia mater

  • Surrounds the spinal cord and accompanies entering and exiting nerve roots up to the intervertebral foramen
  • Denticulate ligament: tooth-like discontinuous prolongation of the pia mater, between the lateral surfaces of the spinal cord and dura mater, between two adjacent intervertebral foramina
  • Filum terminale: prolongation of the pia mater from the conus medullaris to the coccyx